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Nalo Lomes

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Everything posted by Nalo Lomes

  1. "We are having trouble connecting. There may be a problem with your internet connection or th Second Life Grid. You can either check your internet connection and try again in a few minutes, click help to view the Second Life Support Portal, or click teleport to attempt to teleport home. " I've been trying to fix this issue since I came home in January. At first I did find out it was a firewall problem that Second Life helped me through but at the time my internet company couldn't assist in since I actually don't have firewalls that I know of. I tried again today, and I still can't get on. And now I get this message. All day I've been attempting all of the solutions I can thinking of, teleporting other places, logging out, even re-installing. I've messed with my internet connection and I'm still helpless. Please help! Thanks! :matte-motes-crying:
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