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justen Foxclaw

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Posts posted by justen Foxclaw

  1. I for one can see the writing on the wall. LL screwed up big time by announcing this, even before they have a working platform. I spend $290 a month in tier for a sim and already am thinking of looking at other options. I can't imagine how vast land holders feel. I for one am not going to spend any more money in SL for items I don’t know if they will transfer or if I would even like the new platform. I am sure I am not the only one that feels this way. Yes people say don't quit spending, help keep SL alive. Tell me, when a company announces it is losing profits with no end in sight what do investors do? They pull out. We have only seen the tip of what is to come. It will be a snowball effect. The more people quit spending the more businesses close up shop. Why pay good money just to prop up SL. Soon SL will look like a ghost town. People will start leaving. Their friends will go with them. Companies will pull out. Real-estate will plummet and LL will not have a choice. They will close down SL and put all their assets into making the new grid work. Big risk for a company. I can see major layoffs and SL loosing good quality people. Perhaps some of them will start their own grid, kind of like open world but more friendly. Perhaps not. I fear the good people of SL will soon be grains of sand drifting in the wind looking for a new place to call home. I don't see SL surviving long enough to run side by side with the new platform.

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