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trixy Rosenstar

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Everything posted by trixy Rosenstar

  1. since donloading the lates version of phoenix it was ok at first but now my vaitar moves very slow, flying is almost as bad! anyone else have this or know whats wrong???
  2. Its on the download veiwer page just scroll down to third party veiwers it is the development veiwer hope this helps
  3. Hi just olet you know found m own fix for now I wen to downloads clicked on other veiwers (wiki) downloaded veiwer 2.4davelopment It worked! hope this helps SL needs to look into this!!! after much dirring on my own there are many others Having this problom,I even got a Malware Warning from the 2.2 Veiwer one time A Posible Virus in the download?? not Imposible these days
  4. My regon crashed last night and when I tryed to login I got a very strange mesage (I DID NOT LOGIN) wish i would have wrote it down. fearing a virus had got into my SL program I uninstaled and reinstalled now the Veiwer will not load! always locks up at loading VFD  I have to lose off taskbar and get the mesage program not responding    one other note the time i did get the download to work I got a Malware warnig removed it wih my antivirus! on also wheni try to download the veiwer it seems it does not load the whole progam. even tryed downloading the beta same problom! will not load   Help!! 
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