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Bem Beyaz

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Posts posted by Bem Beyaz

  1. Well, it seems that I was indeed jumping the gun …

    I wasted a good deal of time on the assumption that I had wrongly formatted the @notify command. But it turns out the attachment was only firing on an ill-judged loop and not as it should have been doing first time around. Hence, shenanigans. The recursion (if it kicks off at all) is stopped after a few rounds with the judicious placement of a return but that'll teach me — as anyone who ever wallpapered the screen with "OwnerSay" statements will agree.

    Many happy returns for 2021.

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  2. So these are the two commands …

    gsCommand = "cuffing";
    //  Request notification first …
    llRegionSayTo(gkCaptive, giRLV, gsCommand + "," + (string)gkCaptive + ",@notify:" + (string)giCaptive + ";attached legally right hand=add");
    //  Then attempt to attach the folder …
    llRegionSayTo(gkCaptive, giRLV, gsCommand + "," + (string)gkCaptive + ",@attach:" + gsFolder + "=force");

    And this is the debug output …


    Bem's Cuffs: message is "/notify:162738272;attached legally right hand=add".
    Bem's Cuffs: message is "… shenanigans …"
    Bem's Cuffs: message is "/attached legally Right Hand".
    Bem's Cuffs: message is "You have cuffed Brad!"

    Which is all well and good but I only want to pull those shenanigans in the event that "/attached legally Right Hand" is not confirmed first with the opening "if" condition — in case gsFolder follows Murphy's Law and happens to be empty, for example (a list of potential folders to attach was built on the first touch event because, in the true tradition of Second Life, Brad is one of those accounts whose #RLV folder is every bit as messed up with dead-ends and dumb stuff as his default Inventory).

    As it happens, this works even as said shenanigans kick-off prematurely with "/notify:162738272;attached legally right hand=add" in the following "else if" condition before "/attached legally Right Hand" comes hot on its heels a split second later. The routine finishes up then, resetting the timer, closing the the listen, clearing the notification and setting a control integer, giOffer, to FALSE.

    And I have Brad bang to rights, of course.

    I know it is verging on overkill to test all those folders when I could just give the dumb cluck another bunch of copiable items and get on with messing him about but, hey, the code block will be dormant 99.9% of the time (I would hope). Also, such small awkwardnesses speak to the the calibre of the person we are playing with — no such thing as TMI with RLV RP IMHO (LOL).

    That split second bothers me, though — and it really is only a split second. The RLV protocols are very resilient and tests on frantically busy sims with up to 60 meshed-up, variously textured and smugly smirking avatars (HUDs 'n' all), several of whom will have active relays (one or two with several), cascades of nearby chat, IMs from greeting bots, a dance ball and other typical headaches, the delay does not add up to more than the blink of an eye.

    Am I really condemned to jump the gun every time?

    NB: I have tried reversing the order of the attach and notify commands. I have also tried setting a different gsCommand on each despite the RLV spec which explicitly says that one-shot commands like "force" are not repeated anyway (confirmed with zilch in the listen for it). I also tried putting a sleep between the commands, hoping the @attach confirmation would skip past @notify in the ether and I tried that same hopeless strategy between the listen conditions too. I also placed my lucky bakelite "Beatles" pen-holder on a different corner of the desk every time but nothing doing.

  3. Well, whaddya, whaddya!? It is just me!

    Being so used to the formality of "OwnerSay" commands in RLV, I completely ignored the fundamental purpose of the function which is to send chat to the owner. So of course old Brad will never hear those commands while I'm stood there, talking to myself.

    Instead I should use the llRegionSayTo() function and issue the inventory query to his relay along with an additional command on the relay channel. Unfortunately the RLV spec is befuddlingly befuddling as to how this is done — fortunately the estimable Innula Zenovka provides us with a working example in this post.

  4. I won't bore you with the entire routine but in a case of llGiveInventoryList my attachment issues an "@notify" command according to the RLV spec like so …

    llOwnerSay("@notify:" + (string)giCaptive + ";inv_offer=add");
    llGiveInventoryList(gkCaptive, "#RLV/" + gsFolder, glGift);

    … and dutifully listens to hear how the gift has been received.

    My test alt — let's call him "Brad" — takes delivery and by way of a "debug" my attachment's listen script gets far enough along to pump out the llOwnerSay at the top of this block in the "giCaptive" channel of the listen event …

    llOwnerSay("Listening for " + llKey2Name(gkCaptive) + "'s reaction …");
    list reception = llParseString2List(message, [" "], []);
    string selection = llList2String(reception, 0);
    if ("/accepted_in_rlv" == selection)
    	llOwnerSay("Got it in #RLV");
    // the other two tests …

    … I also see the "/notify:123456789;inv_offer" notification appear on my console where 123456789 is actually the giCaptive channel listening for signs of life on Brad (I have tested to make sure of the actual channel number). Both the notification and the listen are eventually removed with a timeout which has been tested from 5 seconds to a full two minutes (I know, I know, even Second Life's too short).

    There is no mention of any of this on Brad's console although the item is delivered immediately to the "#RLV" folder if the "Accept" button is clicked — and neither is there any mention if Brad has forbidden "Give to #RLV" or if he has ungratefully clicked "Discard" in either of the following tests. However, when the routine has timed out he gets an IM to say that he has taken too long about it.

    So is it just me or shouldn't Brad be talking back by now?

    NB: The client in both cases is the latest Firestorm release ( with RLVa enabled of course and Brad is sporting the DEM Relay HUD (200f).

  5. Quote

    Using the id key field as a second string is so commonplace that a significant number of beds and chairs in SL would break if it were changed.

    Thanks for the heads-up on that, Wulfie and Phate. It looks like Granny should have stuck to knitting. Or maybe not, come to think of it — this kind of explains the orangutan arms and teddy bear bodies on all those Christmas jumpers she gave me over the years.

    Boy-oh-boy, am I glad I asked about this problem — even if it looks like I need to write the whole batch of scripts from scratch.

  6. Quote

    It doesn't have to be a key at all, in fact. You can simply use it as a second string.

    Aren't there scripting gnomes living in the ditches between software and simulator that don't like us doing things like this? My granny called it "deprecation" and she said they'll sneak up and steal your hair if they catch you doing it,.

  7. Quote

    i like this way. Is no concatenation or parsing code needed

    That is a good idea, Molly. Although the second part of the message converts to a key, it does not convert to the sender's key in every case — there are a number of security conditions involving a third party key but I could re-jig the routine to test only for those. I guess a combination of this and Rachel's suggestion of the "Left" and "Right" functions would be a good strategy.


  8. Quote

    The functions Left and Right won't be found on that Functions page, since they're just user-defined functions.

    Thanks, Wulfie — I just finished the post immediately above upon noting the problem.

  9. Quote

    adding a list into the mix will cost a little more stack memory

    That's what I suspected, Molly. Thanks for the confirmation.


    have you looked at the extension of  the string functions: left and right, this allows you to operate with a single simple string message for the linked communication.

    Thanks, Rachel — those functions are exactly what I need. I was not aware of them but I have used something similar in PHP.

    Like many, I suppose, I tend to drop in and out of SL depending on my interest levels but I really should get back into the habit of looking at the Functions page on the Wiki.

    • Like 1
  10. I have a very old routine of linked messages passing between scripts where a listen or sensor event will pick up a message and concatenate the relevant key of an object or avatar before passing it to other scripts in the same prim. The message is processed in the other scripts using a series of conditions testing variations of something like this …

    llDeleteSubString(message, 0, 5);

    … where the first part in this case is expected to be a six-letter string and the second part will be a key in any case.

    The system works fine — so long as I'm paying attention and change the length of the expected message where necessary — but there are quite a few conditions in each of several scripts and I was wondering if, aside from the question of human error, it might be more efficient to pass the linked messages as a temporary list from the first script …

    list whatever = [message];
    whatever += "," + uuid;
    llMessageLinked(-4, 1, (string)whatever, "");
    whatever = [];

    … break it down in other scripts with something like …

    list whatever = llParseString2List(message,[,],[]);
    object = llList2String(whatever, 0);
    uuid = llList2String(whatever, 1);

    … and work away with a simpler set of conditions.

    Doubtless experienced developers will find the answer to my question trivial but I'll ask it any way because I'm thick as two short planks when it comes to the overheads on script routines. The benchmark for me is purely an instinct that if I see the same line or even a similar syntax too often, the routine might be written more succinctly.

    Any other suggestions would be welcome — would a strided list be better, for instance — I'd like to be clear about what I'm doing before I change so many lines.

    NB: For what it's worth, the code is old and has never been in production — I have a hang-up about distributing scripts in-world unless I'm confident they have the washboard stomach and trim overheads of Greek statuary.

  11. It's a bit tricky for me to be sure since I overwrote that messy draft of the script but as far as I recall the listen was not updating immediately when the new owner wore the item but only when he wore it for the second time -- and that included the test you're suggesting with llGetOwnerKey(id). In fact I'm pretty sure that it wasn't updating at all until I started using that filter. When I looked into the problem, I found this on the llGetOwner page of the Wiki:

    The one problem many coders come up against is that previously-activated events referring to the owner don't automatically change when the owner changes. The most often-seen result is a listen registered to owner will continue to listen to the PREVIOUS owner rather than the CURRENT owner. It is often confused as a bug in
    it is not in fact a bug but part of the design. There are several ways of working around this problem. The easy solution is to reset the script when owner changes or it is rezzed. The easy solution is not always the right solution.

    The same article suggests the init() function as a workaround instead of llResetScript and indeed that did the trick. But it's redundant now that I am using a bespoke channel for each new owner.

  12. Indeed this is an RLV attachment and I agree that it's best to keep the script as simple as possible.

    I was running the init() function while the device was still hard-coded with an obscure negative channel and I found that llResetScript() wasn't immediately registering the listen to the new owner in the changed event. Things got very messy when two avatars in the same sim wore the device.

    Since I'm still very much a learner, I kept the function even after discovering that trick of generating a more or less exclusive channel for the wearer until I could be sure what I'm doing.

    Now that I'm wiser, I'll follow your suggestion and set the listen in the attach event.

    A second script will use llListenControl to turn particles on and off so I'll keep the init() function in that.

  13. Thank you both. It's heartening to know that I'm probably on the right track.

    The device is an RLV attachment (yes, it's those cuffs, Rolig) and I have concatenated the permissions request with PERMISSION_CONTROL_CAMERA so the captive's camera really ought to comply or I will have to know the reason why.

    On Qie's comment about overriding the camera controls, perhaps I'm not testing the script properly -- with two viewers on separate monitors but still using the same mouse? I'll crank up my geriatric Windows machine and log my testing alt on that (providing the latest SL viewers still work on turf-powered computers). Failing that I'll have to find a friend to take control of me.

    Also, a little bit of further research inspired by that comment suggests that I should use the devious RLV snippet "@camunlock=n" to prevent the captive overriding his predicament while the "follow" script is active.

    I know this seems harsh but I see it as a usability issue: it's no fun to be admiring a tree or a lovely mesh building only to find that one's av has been taken somewhere else in the meantime.

  14. I'd like to force the same result as  CTRL + ALT + LEFT-CLICK on another avatar. I've tried the basic function on the Wiki, which could work given that we are likely to be in close proximity, but I'd be happier if I could force the other avatar's viewer to look at me specifically (I'm sure I'm much better looking for a start).

    Unfortunately my forum byline would most certainly be the opposite of Rolig Loon's if I had one so I can't be sure that what I'm after may even be possible. I looked at this talk page on the very same issue which provides little hope.

    Am chasing my own backside here?

  15. Thanks, Innuala. To all intents and purposes, the channel will be unique as the device will generate a negative integer from the wearer's UUID (gkCaptive) using this snippet I picked up from somewhere:


    giChannel = (integer)("0x8" + llGetSubString(gkCaptive, 0, 6));


    On that score, I had been using a modified version of this init() function from the Wiki on llGetOwner() instead of llResetScript() on the changed(integer changed) routine to reset the listens:


    gkCaptive = llGetOwner();
    giHandle = llListen(giHandle, "", NULL_KEY, "");
    llListenControl(giHandle, FALSE);


    Since I'm running the device in a permanently open listen on this more or less unique channel, would it be good practice to retain that function or should I remove it altogether and run the code block in state_entry() before opening the listen?

  16. Thank you all.

    As it happens I already have a number of toggle controls on the device and I had initially controlled the listen through the touch event more or less as Miranda has shown above (but from my avatar and not from the wearer who will just have to do as he is told -- mwahahahahah-h-h-h-h ..). The trouble is that there is a 'twin' device that needs to have some messages relayed to it so that has to stay open regardless of whether or not it is touched and that is what I was concerned about.

    I also considered removing the sensor or timer solutions while my avatar is away and having him reactivate it on the first touch event following his return but that creates a minor but very annoying usability issue.

    So all in all, it seems best to go with option c) if the device is unlikely to cause a heavy load (the script reads as something like 0.012 on a sim test). Since the device is on a second avatar, the listen will be dropped when he logs anyway.

  17. I have an attachment that relies on a constant listen on a negative channel while another avatar is in the same sim. In the interests of good housekeeping, I would like to kill the listen if the avatar leaves the sim or logs off and reactivate it should the avatar return.

    Bearing in mind that the avatar may be gone for a considerable time period, should I:

    a) Use llSensorRepeat every few minutes and kill or reactivate the listen when the avatar leaves or comes back?

    b) Work something out with llGetAgentList on a timer?

    c) Forget about it and leave the listen hanging?

    d) Try a more efficient solution if anyone can suggest it here.


  18. Thanks for that, Rolig.  I think your example in #7 is worth exploring in a rewrite of the classic Ziggy Puff/Franimation AO.

    As it happens, I decided to use llSetAnimationOverride for the basic AO since it's light on lag and augment it with a simple llStartAnimation / llStopAnimation sub routine if required. The basic problem was that the AO was being overridden by poseball scripts and/or certain high priority animations so I wanted the option to recuff the captive if the poseball animation might be 'improved' with an overlay of cuffed arms. Obviously this would be something of a judgment call from one animation to another.

    But it happened that the sub routine was causing the AO to stop altogether after the captive stood again.

    I was confused to begin with until I realised (duh!) that I had to double up on the bitwise operators everywhere:


    attach(key id){    if (id) llRequestPermissions(id, PERMISSION_OVERRIDE_ANIMATIONS | PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);    else if (llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_OVERRIDE_ANIMATIONS | PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION ) llResetAnimationOverride("ALL");}

    I was completely stumped by this until I realised that both permissions were being revoked in the sub routine (llStopAnimation was dropping PERMISSION_OVERRIDE_ANIMATIONS as well as PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION even though I was only calling the latter).

    It appears to be working beautifully now and presumably it isn't hogging sim resources.

    Thanks again, I really appreciate your suggestions on this problem.

  19. There's absolutely no problem between this minimal AO and the cuffed av's usual AO. The cuffed animation is set to the highest priority as it should be so it works well enough.

    I'd just like to know whether or not it is possible to change the single animation on the fly -- calling the "Cuffed" animation as a string variable for instance so that it can be replaced where needed?


  20. I guess I need to work out a method of changing the animations in llSetAnimationOverride on the fly but I'm not having much luck.

    I don't mind hammering my head off the keyboard but I would like to know is this at all possible or am I wasting my time?

  21. Thanks for the heads-up on the new animation override functions, Rolig. I much prefer to use those in future.

    However, following extensive tests I found that since the built-in AO is called with run_time_permissions it gets overridden by the animation in any object on which the captive is forced to sit. This can be useful on occasion but it is not always desirable

    I have tried using my laggy little patch in a subsequent dialog:


        llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);    llStopAnimation(animation);    animation = "Cuffed";    llStartAnimation(animation);    llSetTimerEvent(1);


    But that causes the animation to persist after the captive has the cuffs removed.

    Is there any way that I can restart the AO elsewhere in my script using llSetAnimationOverride?

  22. So I have these cuffs and, yes, it's an RLV thing and being cuffs, the wearer has to appear cuffed. In order to achieve the effect I run this laggy routine on a high priority overlay animation for shoulders, upper arms, forearms and hands:


        run_time_permissions(integer value)
            if (value & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION)
                animation = "Cuffed";

    Outside of run_time_permissions, how can I effectively test for animation permissions, say for instance in a global function?

    By the way, do we have a more efficient method of scripting an animation override in LSL these days?

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