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Vahn Delvalle

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Posts posted by Vahn Delvalle

  1. I'm a premium member and i guess with the new look of the site, I can not find it. Where can I find the new link at?

    Also, I do not know who filed the false report so I can't file an abuse report. That is why I was trying to get a hold of live chat, but I couldn't find the link at all.

  2. I am wondering if anyone has had this happen to them. I received a message from LL when I logged into the marketplace saying that someone flagged my new items that I released yesterday as being in the wrong category or not being as advertised. No one bought any of the new items that I have put on the market yet, and my vehicles are in the correct category. It also looks like that live support may no longer be available for linden lab premium members. Is this true?

    Basically I guess I want to know if anyone has had their items falsely flagged before and if the live chat feature is gone. If this is the case, then I am cancelling my premium membership.

  3. Hey, I'm fairly knew to the SL bussiness thing. I have been selling cars on the marketplace and my sales were great. I'd get 1 to 3 sales per day. Then I had the idea of adding related items to my pages to hopefully further increase sales. When I added the related items though, my sales suddenly dropped to zero. I haven't had a single sale in almost three days. Is there any forseeable reason why my sales may of suddenly have just stopped? I don't see how adding related items should hurt my sales.

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