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Romana Sunkiller

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Posts posted by Romana Sunkiller

  1. Another way to find it is to look in your local chat history. I TPed directly up to the object this way, and it showed up with the "highlight transparent" box checked. I was able to block and/or blacklist it this way, but since it isn't mine (a family member was the unwitting victim) I can't edit it or otherwise affect it, so it is still there ready to spam the unwary.

    I hope LL will get rid of these soon.

  2. In answer to Cow Taurog, if this helps, one of my SL sisters got the object and must have rezzed it, and I located the invisible prim it placed at 4000m at inspected it. It shows the creator's name as Ordinal Malaprop. I have the object blocked but since the land is not in my name am unsure what to do next. I also came across one in a premium sandbox, and blocked the owner.

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