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Midnight Bruun

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Posts posted by Midnight Bruun

  1. Hello everyone! I have an issue with my SL viewer for about 3 months now and I haven't logged in due to this problem for all this time. Well, when I click on my desktop icon and the viewer loads up ready to log in, the small tab where I'm supposed to type my user name in does not allow me to type, I can click on it but typing is disabled. The tab next to it where I'm supposed to type my log in password works perfectly. I deleted the second life folders, restarted my computer and reinstalled a fresh copy of second life but the problem remains. Please help me out ? Im really missing second life. 

  2. Hello everyone! I downloaded the new copy of second life and I rebooted my computer but I have a very weird problem for about 2 months now. I neglected second life until I feel like really going on it so I need your help! When I click on second life and the log in screen comes up, the small tab where you are supposed to type your name in for it to log you in doesn't show my letters when I click on it and try to type. It doesn't work at all while the password tab works just fine. Is anyone else having this weird problem or is it just my computer? Any kind of help will be appreciated!

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