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Lira Laval

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  1. I had the same issue. I found my ghost but couldn't get near it. I sent a ticket to Linden Labs and they restarted the sim, and now I'm fine. If you send a trouble ticket to LL you'll likely think they didn't do anything about it, but they probably actually did. They aren't very good at following up on things. Submit a trouble ticket today and restart the sim, if you know where it is. If you don't, go in as an alt or have friends look for your ghost, hopefully they'll find you. Also, you CAN log in, just keep hitting the log in button repeatedly no matter what it's telling you; eventually you can get in. That's good for when you absolutely must get in, but it's a pain in the butt.
  2. Thanks Peewee, I'll do that! I went to where I was when the whole thing started, started looking around, but just turned into a cloud and crashed at the same point. I guess it must be the sim. Thanks for the help !
  3. I have the same exact problem. I can login if I keep hitting the Log In button repeatedly until the stated time is up; waiting won't do it, I tried that. I have also tried a completely fresh install of the viewer, a new viewer, clearing my cache, restarting my computer, logging into different sims, and had another person paying me. By the way, it happens no matter what viewer I am using, so that's not it. And to make matters more frustrating, it's only this account; none of my alt accounts have a problem. I thought I fixed it yesterday when I turned off HTTP Get Textures, but it only worked once. Damn frustrating to have to keep pressing the log in button repeatedly, but I guess it's the only way,... unless someone can help. I'll submit a help ticket too, like that will help, lol. TIA, Lira
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