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CL Luminos

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Posts posted by CL Luminos

  1. Hi Zoey! name's CL here. Gay, 34 in Miami FL! I'm also looking to make new friends now that I'm back in SL (mine have all disappeared!). Love cats and games as well though I get my butt handed to me all the time in FPS 🤕😅 

    In world I like to chill, explore and take it easy. Wouldn't mind meeting some new folks :) Name in world is CL Luminos if you (or anyone!) is interested ^_^

    Edit: Also... we can hunt for extroverted people that will take us.

  2. Hello,

    My friend's avatar has been with this invisible/slit-looking thing on his neck for a while now. He's cleared out his cache, checked for alphas, updated his viewer and nothing seems to fix it. He's even reset the avi to the default character test avi. Even with the avi back to it's default state he still had the invisible strip on his neck. Is there something we're missing?

    He uses SL on Windows 7. His viewer is Firestorm Hybrid v4.3.1.31155.

    Below is a snapshot I took of his neck. Any help is greatly appreciated!


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