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Cherry Charlesworth

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Everything posted by Cherry Charlesworth

  1. Thanks again for your informative comments, again duly noted. Please once again dont judge an avatar by its age you really do not know who your talking to. I speak from my own personal experiences be in no doubt of that. Do you have to earn your stripes to be able to have an opinion. Congratulations on running a sucessful, in your opinion business in Sl. Well done! I am delighted you make a healthy cash flow from your business you are obviously a fine citizen. One to lead by example. I am interested to see you chose to ignore the Copyright issues raised in my previous posts. As a fellow Artist i applaud you and your unique creativity. As you say you have many happy customers, for your customer service and creativity.
  2. If only i were French im just adept to reading it especially when its missused for gain... I just cant abide people who bully others when they are far from virginal themselves, Its really always wise to check who yr slinging mud at! Im with you Ill take White trash redneck any day, now where are my guns?
  3. Thanks for your comments, bullys never win,unless of course they are Whiter than White!! which of course Non of us are.
  4. It is sad to see you are subject to such abuse, especially when you have opened up an interesting debate. I find the issue of Copyright worth note and debate. What constitutes copyright theft. Now lets use a hypothetical example, say a image which has clear copyright instructions at the point of sale is then used for ones personal gain. Is this Copyright theft. This may be hard to prove, Maybe the names of the picture were changed either for deception or just pure ignorance, does this then allow it to be sold for profit. No it does not. Now adays due to the wonderful world we live in its quite easy to locate such items. What is very sad is how people abuse this resource. There are many ready examples of this abuse, all easily traceable. Continue to make your points Veronika its a free country..A lesson to learn is others should put their own house in order before they express their opinions. Bonsoir Ma Belle Dame! No further explanation is required
  5. Your responses have been duly noted. Please never assume you know a person. Because you dont.. what interests me more is the issue of copyright. Bonsoir!
  6. I find the tone of your posts at the very least abusive. Is it not possible to open a debate about inadequacies of certain merchants without subjecting one to personal abuse. One would hate to think its pure bullying, to keep people from voicing their opinions. From the preceding posts Veronika mooted her concerns about certain merchants not putting their TOS in their market place postings. However anyone appearing to agree with this seems to have been intimidated and now refrains from comment. The point seems to have been made and each is entitled to their own opinions without constantly having others strong feelings thrust on them over and over again. We are all at liberty to quote each Country's consumer rights, but do we actually know what is enforceable? probably not. If you are a responsible merchant then it is your duty to care and understand. It is illegal not to display TOS at point of sale in any country, it is not for the buyer to determine them before purchase. Feel free to quote “caveat emptor” but the buyer has rights in what ever country you wish to quote. This is fact. Veronika makes an interesting point about cancelling a transaction, this is very acceptable to our credit card companies and also paypal. They are far more interested in their clients, I am able to cancel my transactions at any time if I believe I have been fraudulently sold goods. LL will certainly act if transactions are withdrawn. It would seem that there do not appear to be any supporters of your abusive and repetitive posts, one would question whether anyone who can be bothered to read the posts, would dare attempt to present their own opinions. The original post by Veronika was her expressing her dissatisfaction with certain merchants on the market place not clearly displaying their TOS. Or in fact changing it at a whim to suit themselves. How can items purchased several years ago now be subject to new TOS? TOS is not retrospective. Points to be noted: Do they own the copyright of their products? – Not proven until DMCA successfully tried in a court of law. Do they pay tax on their earnings from SL etc – Dictating to customers and threatening behaviour might be inadviseable as inviting attention and/or prosecution does open the floodgates to scrutiny over their business interests and tax status. Should they display their TOS at point of sale – Totally The tax one is such fun, one would presume most of the Merchants on SLX do not declare their hard earned income. For them to file against a purchaser when you sell commercially, might open a whole new can of worms for those creators who do not declare their earnings and hide behind their avatar name. Filing in Court has to be done with real names. Therefore to invite speculation over their selling practices maybe inadvisable unless they want their tax departments scrutinising their business practices. This is a whole new topic. How many actually declare. Its a dangerous game to play. I will now wait with eager anticipation to read responses.
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