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Mauricette Morane

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Everything posted by Mauricette Morane

  1. @arton: oh, yes! Thank you! @filipsimo I understand where you're coming from, and I really appreciate the advice you've given in this thread and elsewhere and I will definitely implement your recommendations in my next step. But first, I want to feel confident that I can install a graphics card - if things go wrong, I'd rather it went wrong on a cheap (ish) card. Also, I must admit I'm not 100% confident buying a second hard card on eBay - too many unknowns. So it looks like I'm going to sacrifice some performance...well, so be it for now. As it happens, I did buy the EVGA GT 730. I can't say it's great for SL, because I can't get anything showing on the monitor, it just stays blank. I tried logging in safe mode, and it hangs on "crcdisk.sys". It's absolutely possible (and probable) that the two issues aren't related, but since I have nothing else to go on (how would I troubleshoot a graphics card, if I don't have another PC to try it in?), I'm trying to solve that. It looks like I need to delete some files. I can't - I get the error message "access denied". So I do a bit of reading on the internet around these issue, and oh, I need to change my access rights and make myself an administrator. Problem is, there's only one user on that PC, and it's already "admin". So that's a dead end. So I tried to install Ubuntu on my other hard drive, because I wanted to try that one day anyway, and (to cut a long story short), I'm unable to do that. So I'm basically feeling pretty frustrated! But thanks to everybody who chipped in. I'll try installing XP and see if that makes a difference.
  2. @Jackson oh, that looks awesome! I want one! It'll have to wait, thought, right now, it will fit neither my budget or my computer, alas... But, oooohhh, three fans, yes please! @filipsimo12 thanks, that's very very useful. I'd rather not tinker with the power supply at this point (I feel I might as well build a computer from scratch if I was going to do that...), so I guess that does limit my options. An additional challenge is that I think it needs to be single slot - looking at the motherboard, I think the card would not fit otherwise? This is what my motherboard looks like: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c01324212&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&product=3842345#N538 And getting a new motherboard is absolutely not going to happen - as with the PSU, if I'm going down that route I might as well build everything from scratch (I'm starting to think it might be easier). I've had a look at the GTX 460, 560 and 660, and they are all dual slot. Does that mean they definitely won't fit, or does it depend on the specific motherboard? So, if I need a single slot graphics card, what would you recommend? I don't need to be able to use the highest settings, just something that doesn't make SL crash 30 times an hour on medium settings would be fine for now... Thank you :-) Your help is much appreciated.
  3. @Etheria Mmmm, the EVGA GTX 780ti is definitely out of my budget, probably for ever, but I guess it's nice to dream! I'll have a closer look at the Geforce GTX 750, thanks. Nice to know about the guarantee (as it happens, I'm in the UK) - I didn't know graphics cards could come with a guarantee, so that's definitely something I will keep in mind, thanks! @filipsimo12 Thanks. Yeah, I know it's not a gaming pC, but believe it or not, it's actually much much better than what I'm currently using! (One day, I'll build myself a super duper gaming PC ...but not this year ...or the next...) OK, here are the system info, if there's anything relevant that I've missed, just let me know. CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 @ 2.66GHz RAM: 4.00GB Dual-Channel DDR2 @ 399MHz Motherboard: PEGATRON CORPORATION Benicia (CPU 1); Chipset Vendor: Intel; Voltage: VIN0 1.688 V, MEMORY CONTROLLER 1.664 V, VIN2 1.608 V PCI Bus Width 32 bit The sticker on the power supply say "max combined power equal to 385W", if there's any more specific info that would tell you more, I can have a look. @Ren Thanks, that's very interesting, and I'll definitely play with the settings you mention. Is there are reference page or documents somewhere that lists all the debug settings, and what they do?
  4. About 3 years ago, I was using a HP Pavilion PC, until the graphics card (NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT) went dead. I’m now looking at getting a new graphics card for it, with at least similar specs, or better if I can afford it. However, I’m a little bit worried that whatever graphics card I’m going to get is going to fail again – should I be concerned, or was it just bad luck? Would getting a card with two fans be worth it? (I'm assuming the card failed because of overheatingm though I don't know for sure.) Can anybody recommend a decent mid price (say no more than $75/ £50 - well, that's my idea of mid price!) card? Or is that too dependent on the rest of the system? I’m looking at cards, but I have absolutely no basis on which to evaluate them (beyond looking at the dimensions to make sure it’ll fit inside the case, and the power supply requirements, and a compatible connection to the motherboard)! How do you choose a graphics card??? Is http://secondlife.com/support/system-requirements/ up to date? what about gpu_table.txt, is that up to date? I could start there if they are. Many many thanks in advance!
  5. I think it might be from Magica, and it's called Robin. Not sure if it's still available, though. If that's the one.
  6. Thanks, everybody. I subscribe to Seraphim in my rss reader, but nothing obvious caught my eyes regarding those 3 things. Will definitely check those names, especially Emery, one of my favourite T Shirts comes from them.
  7. Back in the days, I had some sweater dresses from a couple of shops, and it's a look I really like, but when I tried them on recently, I decided I really really really didn't like the way the skirt was done (systems layer plus that prim bit in the middle; it was the best available way at the time, no doubt - but it does look a bit dated now), so I've been looking for a mesh replacement, and not having much luck. I've seen a few (Maitreiya comes to mind) but all the ones I've seen seem to have a belt. I very definitely don't want a belt. I want long sleeves, a roll neck (cowl neck also OK), and ideally a dress that's not too short. I mean short is can be good, but it should definitely look like a dress and not a top! Mind you, if a top was deliberately pretty long, that's fine too. Anybody knows where I can find something like that? Jeans jacket seem to be even harder to find, and when they are found, they tend to be for guys, and with mesh, clothes aren't so unisex anymore...:-( There's a very nice one in Coco, but it comes with a shirt, and it word closed - ideally, I just want a jeans jacket I can wear with whatever other top I want, and be able to wear it open. Anybody has any ideas? Cargo pants are another things that's REALLY hard to find, especially for female avatars. I've tried some of the male ones, but they're textured with that, um, curve in the crotch area (well, they ARE for guys!), and that doesn't look quite right on me.... Thanks in advance! :-)
  8. You might want to have a look at this (free, but I don't know how well it would work with a blanket): https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Learjeffs-Easy-Sit-Target-Positioner/227916 Or this (not free): https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AVSitter-REVOLUTIONARY-NEW-Multi-Pose-System/2277498 Hope that heps! :-)
  9. Hunt theme: all silver/ grey shades. The idea behing the hunt is that it's based on a monochrome colour palette,and content designers are to create an item based on/ inspired by the colours of the palette. The palette for this hunt can be seen on the hunt blog. http://monochromehunts.wordpress.com/ The hunt will run from Nov 24 to Dec 09. Application deadlines are Oct 28. Number of stops: about 25 Rating: PG Application page: http://monochromehunts.wordpress.com/the-silver-lining-hunt-application/
  10. Sounds like a good thing that house is copy! Another way to rexture things selectively is to right click, select edit (which I assume is what you've been doing so far), and THEN select the radio button in the edit menu that says something like "edit texture" or "edit face" or "select face" or something like that (how it's worded will depend on which viewer you use). Then click on the area where you want to change the texture. Then you'll be able to change the texture for just that area. One caveat if you do the unlinking route: before unlinking, select "edit linked parts", and then select the part you want to unlink, THEN unlink it (the button to do that sould be in the object tab). Otherwise, you'll unlink everything from everything else. Hope that helps.
  11. Hunt theme: all swimming pool shades of blue. The idea behing the hunt is that it's based on a monochrome colour palette,and content designers are to create an item based on/ inspired by the colours of the palette. This is the palette for this hunt: http://monochromehunts.wordpress.com/ The hunt will run from the 15th August to the 31st of August. Application deadlines are the 21st July. Number of stops: about 25 Rating: PG Application page: http://monochromehunts.wordpress.com/the-swimming-pool-blues-hunt-application/
  12. Yes, and then navigate to where the texture is on our hard drive, and open it. Or (same thing) Build--> Upload --> Image. (Or File--> Upload --> Image on some viewers) If you're using Phoenix (and maybe Firestorm, I'm not sure), you also have the option of uploading as a temporary texture for free, which is handy if you want to test the texture on a surface before uploading it for good. There's a bulk option available too (Build--> Upload --> Bulk or File--> Upload --> Bulk). It'll still cost you 10L per file, but you can upload several in one go, rather than upload them one by one.
  13. @Rolig Thank you! I thought I'd ask, because I like to take quite a lot of pictures of the same scene at lots of different windlight settings (20+, and it would be more if it was easier to change), and it would be a massive time saver not to have to go through the menu (it's a minimum of 4 clicks each time, and it really is quite time consuming; of course the fact that I have a low boredom treshold doesn't help). Not to mention that my favourite setting ALWAYS get overriden, no matter what I do, and I have to choose it again and again, and it would just be nicer if it was faster. No, it's not the end of the world, but it would just be nice... @Innula Ooooh, thank you, that sounds good, but what on earth is RLV? The only reference I can find to this acronym is something to do with a separate viewer for a very specific purpose, so - if that's what you're referring to - I'm not sure how I'm supposed to "turn it on". Is there more info out there? 
  14. Is it possible somehow to access Windlight settings via a script, and more specifically, somehow put favourite Windlight settings on a HUD or somesuch, that I could to access my favourite settings in one click? I'd LOVE that, even if I have to write it myself (thereby biting more than I can chew no doubt, but never mind). But where would I start? It is remotely possible? I know I can set a default one, but I would like to be able to access several. PS Not sure this is the right thread for it, but I have no idea where else to ask....
  15. @Turokhan - thanks for the tip. I would actually want all walls to be changeable separately, so presumably, I need as many menu options as I have texture change walls? @Dora - well, actually, I haven't looked into how fast the textures load yet (they loaded fast when I was testing, but that's probably because they're in memory from playing around with them so much), but thanks for the tips! @Void - many thanks! That makes sense. I'll be on a quest for something that works for me. I know they're out there (I've seen them), I know I could buy one even, but I'd like to have a shot at writing one myself first (famous last words...) Thank you again!
  16. This may have been asked before, if so please feel free to redirect me... I've just build this skybox, and made two on the walls texture change; nothing fancy, just a simple "cycle through textures on touch" type script. It works very nicely. Now, I seem to have this vague idea that having a texture change script in more than one prim is actually not that efficient...but I don't know to what extent it's not efficient. Is this something that can be measured? If so, how would I do that? And - this may be a stupid question, sorry! - why is it inefficient? I guess that the alternative is to have something I've seen in some builds, with a small prim on the wall that you touch and that brings up a menu of options, from which you can choose what you want to change (ie wall, floors...), and then choose a texture, but I don't have the faintest idea yet as to how to do that, or even what search terms to put into Google (this is usually my first step when I want to find out about something) to find one. Please could anybody point me in the right direction? I ask because at some point I will want to put up the skybox for sale, and ...well, making the thing as efficient as possible just seem the right thing to do... Thank you so much for anybody who might be able to help.
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