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Bentley Gandt

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Posts posted by Bentley Gandt

  1. if i want to buy a private region it says set up is 349 usd and monthly is 229 usd so are you expected to pay 578 usd for the first month or am i mis reading and the first month is 349 usd set up and first month's tier


  2. Sundown Country are looking for DJ's and hosts'

    Sundown is a country music club, I am planning a opening date of 20thJuly 2014, if your interested pay will be 100% tips

    contact me Bentley Gandt either IM me or drop me a notecard, 

    hope to hear from you soon


  3. Sundown ranch are looking for staff to join us on a new club venture,

    We are looking for Country DJ's and hosting Staff, we are based on a family friendly sim, So dj's and staff will be required to keep to a PG13 guideline

    are you interested contact either Kindered Fairywren or Bentley Gandt in world

  4. I'm looking for a script either current or to be written,

    the script will need to cover a 1/4 sim,

    I wish to record avi names and time spent on the plot to use in a contest,

    current scripts I have come across require a notecard with names added

    if any one can help please contact me via a NC in world


    Bentley Gandt


    thank you in advance


  5. I know this may sound strange, but I as with a serious note.

    A friend was particpating in a photo Contest, and was doing very well, the person who was running the contest, decided that my friend was cheating by using alts to vote for him, myself my wife(sl and rl) and son (rl) where named as a alt. In my household there are 3 different people who play SL and we all use the same internet connection. I also know of other homes where more than 1 person is on SL. A few of our friends do know that we are different people.

    I wonder how many homes have multiple players. I have heard of inworld software that can be used to detect "Alt's" but that is flawed my case proves

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