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Tomko Galicia

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Posts posted by Tomko Galicia

  1. I'm still new to scripting but I've built a HUD and pose stand that lets you cycle through all the poses in Contents. However, I want to divide these poses into catagories and organise them in folders. To make things simple, lets say Male and Female.


    I have buttons on the HUD planned to cycle through these catagories, then buttons to cycle through the poses inside the catagories. I'm using llGetInventoryName at the moment so what ever I put into the pose stand works. Will I have to change this to lists and list the animations from inside the script or is there a way to get  llGetInventoryName to look in folders?


    Can anyone point me in the right direction as how I could acieve this?


  2. I'm looking for some items to help me pose models. Can anyone recommened a good product for organising and using poses?


    I've tried looking on MP, but everything I have so far hasn't been great.

  3. I'm trying to add a show/hide option to a dialog menu. The problem I have is when I press the button, it works, then brings back the menu. However when I click the button again it won't action the second if statement and closes the menu. When I reclick the menu the button works again.


    The code I'm using is 


    if (message == "Show/Hide")
    if (show == 0)
    show = 1;
    llSetAlpha(0.0, ALL_SIDES); // set entire prim 100% invisible.

    show = 0;
    llSetAlpha(1.0, ALL_SIDES); // set entire prim 100% visible.

    llDialog(ToucherID, dialogInfo, buttons, dialogChannel);

  4. I want to create an in-world magazine that will be complimenting a Second Life blog/vlog. I've also thought about possibly writing fiction books accompanied by photos taken in-world.

    I was hoping for some advice to get started. Mainly I was wondering what people's options are of the current solutions for magazine publication on SO. I've seen The Magazine Factory by Intelli and was thinking of using that.

    Does anyone know of any other products available?

    I was also hoping for ideas on distribution. Marketplace is the obvious choice but anyone have any ideas for in-world distribution and promotion?

    Thanks guys
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