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Hannah Glenwalker

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Posts posted by Hannah Glenwalker

  1. Alwin I did purchase inworld.

    Steph, sorry I did not mean to sound as if disputing; just trying to find out how else to contact the seller. I believe that the seller would fix the problem I am having. I don't know what you mean by scrub my post. I don't see an edit button anywhere.

    Venus thank you for your help and advice.

  2. I'm not sure if this is the right forum for my question.


    I created an outfit that I really like. I finally was able to save it and rename it.

    My problem is that I would like to create other outfits, but if I remove the outfit I have on what happens exactly. If I open the folder after removing it will everything still be there? Also is it possible to make a copy of the outfit in case something happens to it and how do I do it.

    I noticed in the edit outfit there is a save as button. Will that only allow me to change the name of the original or could that create a copy:

    I'm really not stupid just ignorant of making outfits and afraid of messing up.

    I'm using the newest verion of sl viewer.

  3. I just logged back in to P. Metaverse and behold all IM's are gone. I honestly do not know how this happened; I have been trying to figure this thing out for weeks.


    I'm a happy camper now.


    My next issue is to figure out how to stay logged in for more than a couple of minutes

  4. I have already searched all forum and knowledge base and google about my question.

    First, I have the latest version of Pocket Metaverse and my iPad is the latest with retina and up to date.

    Question: Is there a way to delete old instant messages from within P. Metaverse? My instant messages are capped, so I cannot receive anymore IM's.

    My laptop is no longer compatible with second life, so that option is out.
  5. I am in the market for a tablet only if I will be able to access SL in 3D like I do now on a computer.
    I am aware of the iPad and it's limitations with pocket metaverse; that is not what I'm after. If there are no tablets that have the capacity to view SL in 3D, then I'll stay with a laptop.
    All help is appreciated.

    Edited: to add my thanks to both of you. I couldn't figure out any other way to it.
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