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Cyber Metropolitan

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Posts posted by Cyber Metropolitan

  1. My question is, It's been a while since i played Second Life I am researching renting billboards spaces for a future plot of land to earn some extra money and I am just wondering what is the average rate going for that people willing to pay for these days?

  2. Hello Their  I am Cyber Metropolitan, I am the owner of Hillview property listings that have been in Second Life for a long time right now I am planning to retire from the real estate industry that any party member is interest in buying my complete company pleas feel from to IM me at any time.

  3. my property listings business, Is from the early days of Second Life meaning my business is no longer operational but I am looking for a buyer for my IP rights meaning I am trying to sell my property listings name and texture so you can make signs and logo's for you company if your not the type of person who does not like to go through the hassle of starting a new brand name.

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