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Muffey Rosenberg

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Posts posted by Muffey Rosenberg

  1. Thanks Rolig,

    I just wanted to confirm that this does - as you say - work when sitting on prim 1 and in mouselook...

    I think the difference (and my original problem) is with the 'attachment' bit, and its inheriting the avi's rotation when attaching.

    I'm not sure if I can adjust this code snippet usefully into an attachment. I'll keep plugging and see if I can come up with something workable though..

    Thanks again.



  2. Thanks Rolig,


    This seems to work fabulously - it rotates the attachment according to camera position. It doesn't matter what way I'm facing - it doesn't offset and it works when using the free-camera standing and sitting on objects...

    *Except* that it doesn't seem to work when sitting and in mouselook. (the one mode I needed it for >_< )

    I've played around with it for a bit, and I can't seem to figure it out. I can llOwnerSay the Rot, and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't... It might be a permissions thing as oftimes I'll get a <0,0000 0.0000 0,0000 0,0001> return from it. If I detatch and attach back again, that fixes it but....

    Right now though, I can't seem to get any combination of 'attach and sit' or 'sit and attach' to make it work while in mouselook. I can exit mouselook and it works flawlessly, enter mouselook and it just... hangs limp :(


  3. Oh.. hrm.. So, I'm not trying to look at 'something'...

    Ie: I'm not trying to look at the nearest avatar, or an object. I'm trying to 'point my attachment in the direction the avi is facing'. So I need to know what direction the avi is facing. And then this comes into play :


    • llSensor and llSensorRepeat will not detect the object that contains them. This also applies to attachments--they won't detect the agent they're attached to unless the sensor script is within a child prim.

    I understand this may seem wierd, because an attachment 'always faces where the avi is facing' - simply by dint of being attached to the avi? Except.... when that avi is seated. In say a vehicle.

    Best to just use a picture I guess. Below - the avi sits in the tank and faces forwards, they mouselook left and the turret rotates. They aren't looking at anything in particular, just mouselookin' around?



    My code segment actually does this - with the exception that it's offset when not facing east (0,0)... :(

     Ps: I tried the llSensor - it was my first attempt. It worked when the turret was an object in world. It does the llDetectedRot, and mimics the facing. It works in mouselook and everything was peachy. Then I tried to wear it, and discovered that it didn't work as an attach.. :(


  4. Howdy folks....

    I apologise in advance for more 'rotational woes'. I've been wrestling with this for a couple of days and now know more about vectors, eulers, quaternians and llGetRot's then I ever wanted to know.  I figure that this is a 'well known' issue with an easy ( or at least 'one-line') solution, but for the life of me I can't figure it out.

    So, I have a turret. For a tank... It's worn as an attachment on 'avatar center'. Like a tank, it needs to rotate, but in a direction other than the avatar facing. For that I'm relying on 'mouselook' and rotating the attachment around while my avi is seated (on a square)

    I discovered that

    1) I can't use sensors, as attachments don't sense things

    2) llGetRot when called from an attachment gets the Avi's facing

    So, I'm using a timer and here is my code :


        timer() {
           rotation rot = llGetRot();
           rotation x_90 = llEuler2Rot( <90 * DEG_TO_RAD , 90 * DEG_TO_RAD , 0> );
           rotation new_rot = x_90 * rot;
           llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( LINK_THIS, [PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, new_rot] );



    my x_90 is there to rotate the root prim of my turret from verticle to horizontal and facing front.

    When I sit facing East, I can mouselook and my turret rotates fine, but when I sit in any other cardinal direction it is offset by 90, 180, 270 degress respectively.

    I think that understand that I this is due to my *attachments* local rotation in global? , and that somewhere in there I should be taking this into account, but I'm at a loss how to do this.

    Can anyone clue me in?

    I've read lots of similar type issues on this forum, (and the old archived one)




    Thanks in advance,



  5. First off, apologies if this is the wrong forum to be posting this in. I've tried a few searches but I'm unable to come up with anything that doesn't return fluff.

    I'm using aditi to test uploading mesh clothing, and I'm running into the problem which is : My Avi on the main grid has a shape, and my avi on the beta grid doesn't. It looks like the beta grid's over a year old in terms of inventory etc. Normally this isn't a problem. I make anims, objects, etc.  I test them... I go away.

    However, right now I could use a refresh of 'myself' over there and I'm not sure how to go about doing that.

    Can anyone clue me in?




  6. Howdy folks,

    I also hopped over from the mesh subforum, figuring I'd try to clarify some of the less known points of Mesh.


    Technically Venus bought a mesh item. It didn't lie when it said 'mesh' (I assume). What it did was not live up to expectations.

    Mesh is simply a different way of modelling 'stuff' in SL. You had prims (inworld) and sculpties (3d modelling required). Scuplties are modelled in a similar way to mesh, but are exported / imported in a very different way to the method in which they're modelled. They're limited to a 'picture' - in the same way that you could take a piece of paper, fold it around and make a duck out of it, (ie: Origami) - this is sculpty work. You're limited to 'the size of the piece of paper' and how many folds you can get out of it. It's restrictive, but works in a fashion.

    'Mesh' objects aren't limited to a certain size. They can have all kinds of sticky out bits, smooth bits and are a much more preferable method of making things for people who're 3d modellers. They export 'what I want' rather than 'what I'm limited to'.

    That said, if you want a skirt, dress or clothing item in SL made from mesh you need :

    1) Make the object in your 3d program of choice

    2) 'rig the item' in your 3d program of choice

    3) Upload the item as a rigged mesh object in SL.

    Venus's item creator did 1) but not 2) or 3). Items 2 and 3 can be equally hard as 1)

    The net result is that you get an item that doesn't know anything about your movement. It doesn't know when your leg bends, it doesn't know when your arm lifts - it knows nothing and hang around like a sculpty (which cannot be rigged) does.

    The *expectation* for mesh clothes then, is that they are rigged. That's what the consumers think of when they buy a 'mesh item'. I suppose it could be advertised as 'mesh + rigged'. Rigged items know about your movements and will deform a mesh clothing object so you get a continuous flow of fabric. Think of your elbow - when you move your arm your jacket streches around the outside of the elbow and crumples around the inside. Previous methods of doing that would involve creating two tubes pivoting around the elbow joint, with a visible 'join' there. Mesh should simply flow around it, giving you a natural covering which stretches and crumples (actually, crumpling is unlikely to occur, it'll simply 'reduce' around the inside of the elbow, not bunch 'fabric' up).


    >I also heard that the mesh LL introduced, is a more crippled version, it is possible to edit mesh, but LL put restrictions on it. I found that the length of the bones work perfectly to stretch it. So a pair of pants will work well for both the shortest and longest legs. The second slider we get up when we edit our shape, the width, also stretched the mesh. I assume that this slider controls a pelvis bone, or some other bone that is horisontal. Body fat and muscle does nothing. It would be great if mesh could follow one of these. 

    This is 'partly' true.

    What's happened is that we get a defined set of bones. Arm, leg, pelvis, shoulder. Places where you *actually* have bones. Mesh rigging knows about those and will stretch, deform to those.

    What we *dont* have are 'bones' for squishy things like breasts, buttocks and belly. So, if you have - sc'use my vernacular here - a well endowed set of boobies, my t-shirt has no way of knowing this. It can't adjust for 'boobies' because there's no 'bone' for them. There's a slider... but mesh can't (yet) adjust for sliders for which there are no corresponding bone. Net result: Creators have to create multiple objects which are fixed in the 'booby' area and tell you to adjust your slider so your squishy bits don't poke out. It's not 100% desirable, to be honest, and many are reluctant to adjust their figure to cope with the limitations of the clothing object. I can understand this reluctance.

    It's a 'bone of contention' (pun intended) with mesh creators. Having to either do 'custom jobs' for people's body shapes (an impossibility really, as there's an multitude of them) or provide details *before buying* of slider positions that it will work with, or mesh creators coming up with 'standard sizes' or providing several 'size versions' (as we're seeing happen) and giving them out, but *still* you're then fixed to size 1,2 or 3. Or perhaps partnering with a shape designer and writing : Best worn on 'female amazone shape 1 as sold at : 'figures r us'..

    So - we're left in a bit of a limbo about how to work it. Most creators these days are of the opinion that you could 'mesh the arms, legs, collar' and create either SL clothes for the chest (the painted on ones) and allow SL to size/scale them, or do one of the above.

    There's a JIRA (ticket) out for allowing mesh to deform to 'squishy sliders', and it has been assigned an SL developer. How long it takes to get implement though is anyone's guess, but I don't imagine 'very quickly'


    Finally : Mesh isn't only about clothes. You can make a mesh table, or a mesh house, or a mesh cat. They (should) look good. They should be seamless, and they have several advantages over prim or scuplty. Less lag is often a good one. Less textures is another (each prim has its own texture, but you can have one mesh object with a single mapped texture to replace what would have been say: 14 prims). More control over your object is a third - you can get a mesh object to do exactly what you want, instead of say torturing a torus to make a spiral staircase. Those items in SL are hard on the servers... Not necessarily a concern for a consumer - SL benefits in that case, and if you're a SIM owner your land aswell.

    Muffey (who does mesh only for herself - because I know what my body looks like - atm).

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  7. Mesh skirts are one of *the* reasons to buy a mesh item, and as Venus says - one would expect it to 'conform' to your avi's position. Ie: no more skirts 'hanging down' when you sit.

    Unfortunately, it sounds like your dress wasn't rigged Venus. It may well have been mesh, but without being 'rigged (attached to bones) ' it has no knowledge of your leg movements and so won't deform itself accordingly.

    Mesh *can* resize if it's not rigged. I could, for instance, create a mesh table and then resize it. Or a mesh hat, and resize that. Once rigged though, its your avi's movements that deform the mesh item, and not a sizing slider.

    Rigging is something that's done after the item is created (and can be quite hard). In this case though, your item isn't doing a great deal for you. You could try conctacting the creator, but technically, it *could* be a mesh item... just not behaving with the avi deformations that you'd expect, and more like a lump of putty..



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