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Miss Toki

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Everything posted by Miss Toki

  1. That really sucks, because if they were still alive being the shops and if i was still able to purchase the items then i would just rebuy them on my new avitar
  2. Greetings SL forms, so recently i just got my account back from being very inactive for the past 3 years, and i have a few Skins and shapes , Misc itmes that i purchased back in thoes days. However.. it appears that all of thoes items that i brought the shops and people no longer play or have been discontinued. Is there any way to send or migrate these items onto a different Avatar? if they are not transferable?, im going to start fresh so i want to transfer what i can to my new avatar. only solution i can think of is asking Support to help move them over.. but.. i dont really see that happening
  3. The shape im trying on, i actually payed 1SL for it so im not sure about that.
  4. Hi everyone, i have recently come back to second life after not being on for two years, i have come back anew with the same account, However.. Recently trying on new body shapes have made my character look some what distored.. i have tried clearing the cache and restarting SL Viewer But nothing seems to work, i have gone to the avatar thing, and selected a clean avatar and then trying to wear the shape ontop of that however it just causes more distortion? , if anyone is able to please help me out! , this seems to happen with any body shape i try on Before and after applying shapes
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