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IDoBelieve Innovia

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Posts posted by IDoBelieve Innovia

  1. Hi...this is the first time i've ever actually replied on here...i do a lot of reading, but never actually put in my 10 cents worth so to speak...

    One of my all time favourite places on SL is Fotoscope, Fotoscope... Its a small platform high up in the sky, and contains i think from memory 10 "balls" on this platform...each ball holds one person... basically you click on the ball and just watch... its about a 5 minute animation that puts your avatar through a series of dances, flying, a story in a way to fantastic music and amazing movements.  I think it would have to be one of the most amazing things on SL, well worth finding and trust me...you'll be back more than once!

    For a really great dance atmosphere, you can't go past Boogie Beach.  Its an outside dance beach area with stage where they have live performances from time to time, but the group of regulars that go there can't be beaten.  Everyone says hello to you, there's always a great flow of conversation, a variety of different dances to choose from whether it be on your own or someone special and the music is great.

    If you love the art created on SL, then you can't go past VeGetal PLaNet, Coral Springs... what you need to do is actually walk over to the lakes and walk into the water and you'll basically fall to the bottom where you will find this amazing collection and quiet extensive collection of artwork.  Everything from paintings and pictures to sculptures.  There's also more above the water, but most of it is below..

    Now if its just a quick laugh your after, go to Bumper Cars, Lowndean.  Obviously a place where you can rez bumper cars with friends and enjoy the fun of driving around and hitting each other or avoiding being hit, whichever takes your pleasure..

    If your looking for a great haunted mansion, you can't go past Bentham Manor, Sevenfold.  All a bit of fun, make sure you set your settings to night and have a walk around the grounds and the haunted mansion...

    Finally, and yes i do have many many more landmarks than this that i enjoy going to, but one of my favourite romantic places but also very beautiful places to visit is Thassa Islands, Thassa.  When you first TP to the sim you find yourself no where near or even on some kind of Island...basically getting to the Island is a small but very fun adventure in itself... follow the green arrows, click on the planet "ball" at the end, you'll land on a ship, follow the arrows to the life boat, click and sit and this will take you to Thassa.  Once you get there, have a walk around, but make sure you walk up to and then right up the top of the mountains there... up the top is full of snow, great water falls, suspension bridges, lots of different balls to click and enjoy...i find this place a truely stunning place to be...

    We all have our own versions of what's "fun" on SL, but i hope you take the time to try some of my suggestions...i'll be interested to continue reading other peoples as well..

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