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Valedric Faith

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Everything posted by Valedric Faith

  1. Thank you, everyone. Truly. This thread is a perfect example of how mature this community is. I will take everything into consideration. I have been an avid Vampire, not caring what people thought, but if I wish to make friends with different groups perhaps I should tone down the vamp-ness a bit. I will be a nice guy when approaching women in SL, but truth is I have no choice. I'm not certain I have the ability to be perverted and rude like that... That's why I'm trying so hard to find a girl who is similarly not perverted. Which is actually sometimes quite the task on SL. Anyone who has any desire to hang out or chat, please feel free to IM me! I'm always happy to talk with such helpful people. Thanks again everyone!
  2. Hahaha liked that last line. Sorry if I came off super negative. I'm not a negative dude but I'm just super shy to start a convo. Unless I'm talked to I'll just keep quiet. But alright, I'll try NCI. Thanks a ton for the response.
  3. Hello all, I can imagine that this thread will be mostly filled with hate towards me for even posting this, but as this is my first time to the SL forums, I can only hope I am wrong. I am 20 years old in RL. I have a good job, a great family, and some alright friend. All-in-all I am your average guy. Somewhere along the line though, I became extremely shy. I will get straigh to the point. I am looking for friends in SL but I don't want to just go sim to sim looking for them. I have a hard time joining in and, being a Vampire avi (although I never go hunting/recruiting) I seem to encounter a pretty good amount of trolling wherever I go. SO! My question is: Where can I go to meet friends.. A place where people also go to meet friends. Surely there are new people or old people who are in the same boat as me, and the beginner areas are a sorry excuse for friendly. Also, I am slightly interested in meeting a gal in SL I can spend lots of time with. Is there a place where, instead of guys going out and being perverted in some sim, girls can go to meet guys? Sorry for terribad questions but I figured this is the best place to look. If you're going to flame, at least make it an argument my 3 year old niece couldn't come up with. Also be aware I won't read it anyway. Thanks in advanced, community. - Valedric.
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