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Sei Minuet

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Posts posted by Sei Minuet

  1. Yeah I've been excited about this feature for a while too, and have the same issues. I can understand some kinks on the first day, but it's basically like I was gifted a brand new toy, but it didn't come with batteries, and now I have to wait to play with it. Harumph.

  2. My outbox isn't allowing me to add items (both in the latest Firestorm & LL's viewer). There's a link in it that says I need to "become a merchant" before being able to sell things on the marketplace. I already have a marketplace shop, and have had one for quite some time. Am I missing some sort of loop I need to jump through to enable my shop for direct delivery or is this something worthy of a ticket submission?

  3. My outbox isn't allowing me to add items (both in the latest Firestorm & LL's viewer). There's a link in it that says I need to "become a merchant" before being able to sell things on the marketplace. I already have a marketplace shop, and have had one for quite some time. Am I missing some sort of loop I need to jump through to enable my shop for direct delivery or is this something worthy of a ticket submission?
  4. Finding a skeleton that matched the base avatar, Ruth, was what I had in mind. I have no problems rigging or uploading, but simply was unable to find something that matched Ruth's shape. Somehow I missed Gaia's skeleton—that seems to be exactly what I was needing. I would've loved to have built around my own shape, but the plug-in that exported that and the skeleton combined didn't work for my software, and with the deformer project on the way it was easier to plan for the future and build around Ruth instead. Thank you for pointing out that other skeleton. I have a folder crammed full of different skeletons I've found but somehow managed to miss that one.

    I tested by rigging and exporting Ruth's chest and then attaching it to Ruth's chest--I put a Ruth on my Ruth because I like Ruthing while I'm Ruthed. Ahem. Another thing to keep in mind for those who work with Maya: check your import settings if you can't get the SL uploader to see your mesh as a rigged mesh. Import defaults will append the name of the file you are importing plus a colon at the front of every bone name.

    edit x3: multiple formatting failures. I'm awesome.

  5. I'll be brief! I wrote a rather lengthy post and then clicked the little spell check button, got an error, and had to start all over. Awesome.

    I've tried most--if not all--of the skeletons members of the community have graciously provided and found I have the most luck with Reed Steamroller's skeleton. However this skeleton does not fit the Ruth model exactly. I found that I had to keep guessing and nudging everything forward a bit so it would line up properly on Ruth in-world. I also noticed when trying to line that model up to the skeleton the eyes on the skeleton cannot line up properly with the eyes on Ruth without scaling things non-uniformly.

    I could try to muck around with the skeleton and get it to line up, but I'd rather have something exact. It's been suggested to use Wiz Daxter's plugin, but that does not work with my software (I did test that). I use Maya 2010 x64, and am severely against attempting to work in Blender (no offense to the wonderful Blender creators out there) since I end up wrestling with the UI and going into a battle frenzy.

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