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Bellamy Amat

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Everything posted by Bellamy Amat

  1. I am trying to first get done with the IP test, wich i done a loooong time ago btw - still red, all 10 correct 100% good, and still says i must complete the test (under secondlife.com / my account ) . Now although i'm not making mesh yet, i actually remembered this again, because for one obviously it bugs me that i have the test passed and in the end it says otherwise, and secondly, my friend has both PIOF and test passed, they are both green on her account and she cant select on her marketplace her mesh products (not partial not 100%, none). Her name is starglous Resident. One of the reasons i'm also posting this on her behalf is the fact that she speaks poor english, its mostly spanish lol If any linden could help with this would be interesting.. ty
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