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Laska Soulstar

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Everything posted by Laska Soulstar

  1. ok i have been a premium member for over 2 yrs now and have been receiving stiend for thr 512sq, which was my first purchase. but now i own a full sim. so my wueestion is,, shouldn't i be receiving more stipend?
  2. i am currently in the hospital which was unexpected and had surgery. i wont be out for another couple of weeks. so i called linden labs today to ask that my account be downgraded to a basic account because i was locked out of my account cause my premium fees were due. problem is that i am using a prepaid credit card for all my secondlife transactions now so i had no way to load my credit card to have my fees come off. so they downgraded my premium account to a basic account and told me to file a ticket to get a return of fees but i cant find where im supposed to go. i was going to pay my fees when i got out of the hospital but because i was locked out of my account,, is the reason i downgraded my prem account so i can play sl. so can someone tell me where i go to. this is the ticket that was filed today when i called linden labs. 012803752011-11-28 14:53:44 Account Closure Request res in hospital. request remove linden home and downgrade. will submit ticket to refund fee again,, ive spent over 2 hours looking for where i need to go to do this cause it is still trying to take money from my cc.
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