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Fanny Starlight

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Posts posted by Fanny Starlight

  1. Thank You Qie,

    I will use those "<>" next time :-), and I am pretty sure there will be a next time. Thank you for the clarification on the commands, I will try to implement those, and see what happens.

    One question to your suggestion to put all the UUID's in the script, and then call up a set of it, with a notecard I can do that (notecardA, notecardB, and so on) and call up a set, that is what works so far, just the reading of the card gives me a bit of trouble,

    How would I do that if I have a long list of UUID's in the script? The menu button would need to activate a bunch, not just one texture.

    Thank you again, I really appreciate the help a lot


  2. Hi all

    I did manage to put in a reader script (I could modify one), I did list the UUID's in a notecard, and when clicked it starts the reading process, but I am completely stuck on how to tell the script to pull those UUID's I have so far what You see below. I know I need to tell the script to link/get/replace the textures from the notecard after that, what is below, but all try's failed.

    Is it just llGetTexture() to pull it from the notecard and how to I tell the script to replace it (if statement i guess?)? And I guess I have to list the strings of the textures to be replaced in the script too....

    As I said, I am a beginner :-).



    Reader script that I have so far:

    key g_lineQuery;
    string g_PrintoutCard = "Plain white";
    integer isDebug = FALSE;
    integer g_lineNum;
    integer g_texturePrint;

    //Texture strings here?

    loadCustomTexturePrints() {
        if(isDebug < 2) {
        llOwnerSay("Texture❤Prints: Loading "+g_PrintoutCard+" texture notecard, this may take a minute or two!");
        g_lineNum = 0;
        if(llGetInventoryType("TEXTURE:" + g_PrintoutCard) != -1) {
        g_lineQuery = llGetNotecardLine("TEXTURE:" + g_PrintoutCard, g_lineNum);
        else {
        llOwnerSay("No Notecard Found!\n Please drag this texture notecard into your model: TEXTURE:" + g_PrintoutCard);
                    default {
                    state_entry() {
                    loadCustomTexturePrints();   //load the default notecard on script reset?

                    dataserver(key query_id, string data) {
                    if(g_lineQuery == query_id) {
                    if(data != EOF) {
                    ++g_lineNum; //Next Line
                    integer index = llSubStringIndex(data, "");
                    g_lineQuery = llGetNotecardLine("TEXTURE:" + g_PrintoutCard, g_lineNum);
                    g_lineQuery = llGetNotecardLine("TEXTURE:" + g_PrintoutCard, g_lineNum);
                    else {
                    if(isDebug < 2) {
                    llOwnerSay("Texture❤Prints: Done reading your texture notecard! :3");
                    if(isDebug == TRUE) {
                    llOwnerSay("Texture❤Prints Script Memory Used: " + (string) llGetUsedMemory() + " Bytes");
                    llOwnerSay("Texture❤Prints Script Memory Remaining: " + (string) llGetFreeMemory() + " Bytes");

  3. Thank you all so much!

    I am trying the notecard version, since I have already a notecard reader in there.

    To Qie, I noted the concern, but since it is for myself, I don't think it is a problem, and if one day I would make stuff for others, I will take an other approach, and, with the suggestion of Haiku, it kind of solves itself.

    I will work on it the next few day's and see if I can get it to work.

    • Like 1
  4. Hi everybody.

    I am new to scripts (LSL), mostly I have worked with full permission ones, doing changes to them for my private creations in second life. I do understand the basics (by now), after a lot of trying and failing :-). To my question, I have a multi-prim object (cloth), with 24 different textures (for state changes), which, after a lot of try's, is working fine now. Now,  the script works with the names of those textures, and if I would like to replace the textures, I need the same names on those, otherwise the script stops working. Is there a way to do that? I did find a lot of texture changing scrips, but all require different names (which I do understand, like the ones here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bobbyb%27s_texture_changer). I wonder if it is possible to replace texture A with Texture A, or if there is no way around that, and one only can replace A with B.

    I hope my question is not to confusing, and I would be very grateful for advice.

    Thank You all


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