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Rex Sassoon

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  1. looks people so far not effected to the "maintance" yet
  2. truet here time I DL the patch to Destony 2 I gusse ~_~
  3. Bah I got freind might have logged thinking I did something wrong need a way to IM freinds on the issue ha!
  4. SO nice to see the reset stuff an still brakes I been dcing alot fine but dc when I get to see people finaly please fix the log in or a dash board IM messenger please an thank you!
  5. I need a scripter to help me make well got the knowledge to make scripted items like a tip jar but in different terms. Say for example persion A adds 50L$'s in an then persion B added 100L$'s in, persion A gets there 50L$'s back. it a simple I hope small transaction for I got other scripts an will pay hansomle in a discussion to this for I prepareing a market shop an like give them a percent to the profits if they like ^^ if interested IM in game thanks
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