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Artificial Gloom

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Everything posted by Artificial Gloom

  1. Hello, I have just created the scene in the snapshot below using 3ds Max 2013. Although many of the objects are fine and I'm able to render to texture an AO map for them, I'm having very strange results for the objects in the scene which seem to be shaded very strangely. The Jug, Legs, and Spindles are not picking up the skylight correctly and when I render to texture, the AO map is completely black. I'm sure this is something simple to fix but I have no idea what I've done wrong. Any suggestions would be gratefully received. Thank you, Artificial
  2. Worked a charm. Thank you very much for your help!!
  3. I imported it back and it's still 15k. I'm just learning, I have no previous experience with this and the reason it's so many polygons is that I may have used a smooth modifier far too many times, instead of getting the same results through efficient modeling. This object was just a first 'project' to get me familiar with 3ds Max.
  4. I updated the exporter to 2013.3 and still the same issue. I guess it's back to the drawing board. I will figure this out.... somehow. Thank you for taking the time to respond.
  5. I was using 2, but I just noticed that a v3 has just been released. I'm going to download it now and give it a try. I will let you know... fingers crossed. It will be something simple that I am, or am not doing.
  6. Thank you for your reply. I checked this and it is definitely counting the triangles. As said before, in the OpenCOLLADA exporter, the number of triangles is correct, but the UV maps won't save.
  7. Hello, I have just created a stool in 3ds Max 2013, and exported it using the built-in Autodesk Collada exporter. This is my first mesh creation and for a basic item the polygon count is huge, weighing in at 15,088 triangles. However, in the Second Life upload window the count initiallly exceeded 52,000, which had me completely confused. After reading a few posts relating to known issues I realised that having multiple materials in my scene was causing the count to balloon. I assigned just one material to all and tried to upload again. This improved matters, but the polygon count is still huge - exactly double the number of polygons in the scene, telling me there are 30,176 triangles. I have tried the OpenCOLLADA exporter but I believe 3ds Max 2013 is not yet supported. Although the polygon count in the upload window is correct (15,088), my UV maps don't save correctly, so the mesh cannot be textured. I'm not sure whether the information above provides the detail required to identify what my issue is, I just thought I'd ask the question and hope that help is out there. Thank you for reading, Artificial.
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