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JustThe Sands

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Posts posted by JustThe Sands

  1. I've recently been having trouble with vivox in SecondLife.  This started when my ISP switched out my cable modem router (the old modem died).  My question is if there is a known issue with netgear products (in my case a netgear CDG24g) and if there is a list of known compatible cable modems.  I think I will be contacting my ISP to get a new cable modem router but I need to know which modems are likely to work.

    A search via Google reveals a lot of discussion about the various Vivox enabled games and platforms including SL and folks with the exact same netgear problem I have - when I try to use voice the modem reboots.  The ISP so far has stonewalled me telling me the modem is working exactly as it should.
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