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Ceorl Onlyone

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Posts posted by Ceorl Onlyone

  1. Update: Please consider the question unasked. I see now that this is a resident-only forum that would not get any Linden attention. Yes I am well aware of LL's lack of customer relations skills. Also I did not mean to suggest that I as an individual deserved any special notice of signficant changes in the business, I meant that I as a customer (and thus all of you as well) should be hearing such news as official announcements rather than through external sources. I apologize for cluttering up the thread with inappropriate questions. - Ceorl


    It appears that Rod Humble is leaving his post as CEO. What is the succession plan? Is there a succession plan? Why did I have to learn of this important development from sources outside of SL? http://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2014/01/rod-humble-stepping-down-as-linden-labs-ceo-.html

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