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Kel Cuddihy

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Posts posted by Kel Cuddihy

  1. this may be significant.

    I can rez in half my home.  its as if a line goes through the middle of my house; one side I'm fine, the other I get the owner won't allow rezzing bit.

    Anyone else seeing this?  those of you having trouble, try rezzing in different parts of your house.  I think the parcel boundaries got messed up when the servers reset.

  2. There is definitely an issue with the system.  I managed to completely furnish my place with no problems, adding, removing, etc.  Never had an issue until today.  If the system is trying to rez outside my bounds, its doing so on its own.  I know how to place items where I want.  Even used the zoom trick to make sure.

    This only started happening after the recent rolling restarts.  I wonder if there was a server update that is causing the issue.


  3. OK, I'm having he same issue now.  I can't rez anything in my linden home.  I used to be able to, but not any more.  I'm well below my prim limit, and that's not the error message anyway.  the actual message is:

    "Can't rez object at { 84.5917, 202.363, 64.1744 } because the owner of this land does not allow it.  Use the land tool to see land ownership.I'm well under my prim limit."

    I checked the land tool, and yes I'm still the owner.  Though I've never had trouble before,  I'm rezzing in the middle of the room for a test.  I was extra careful to ensure even the camera was within the property bounds.  I changed groups, cleared cache, relogged several times.  still no go.  I even tried changing viewers, using the icky linden viewer.

    I can rez in a sandbox, so its not the object or other strange issue preventing any rezzing.  only in my own home.

    Oddly enough, I can create objects. I just can't rez them.  I even created a simple prim, took it to inventory, then tried to rez it. same error.


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