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Xcept Atlas

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Posts posted by Xcept Atlas

  1. SL was aware and was kind enough to give the NSA a brown bag lunch discussion.. Quote from The Guardian article; "In May 2007, the then-chief operating officer of Second Life gave a "brown-bag lunch" address at the NSA explaining how his game gave the government "the opportunity to understand the motivation, context and consequent behaviours of non-Americans through observation, without leaving US soil".  (This is contradicted in the New York Times article today. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/10/world/spies-dragnet-reaches-a-playing-field-of-elves-and-trolls.html?pagewanted=1&_r=0  Which states it was the Chief Technology Officer:"In 2007, as the N.S.A. and other intelligence agencies were beginning to explore virtual games, N.S.A. officials met with the chief technology officer for the manufacturer of Second Life, the San Francisco-based Linden Lab. The executive, Cory Ondrejka, was a former Navy officer who had worked at the N.S.A. with a top-secret security clearance.")


    First is The Guardian's website...


    Second is today on CNN....


    Oh.. and here's the document that AMERICAN TAX PAYER DOLLARS FUNDED on Propublica.org  http://www.propublica.org/documents/item/889134-games

    And... here's the US government's subcontractor's job posting on IARPA.GOV.. http://www.iarpa.gov/Programs/ia/Reynard/solicitation_reynard.html

    But.....   someone has declined to comment on today's news, so we will have to wait for a reasonable explanation as to why all the money we sunk into this game would go to assist the government to spy on us. Quote from the Guardian article;  "Microsoft declined to comment on the latest revelations, as did Philip Rosedale, the founder of Second Life and former CEO of Linden Lab, the game's operator. The company's executives did not respond to requests for comment."

    Let's see, since September of 2006 I have spent approximately $120 per month, every month.  I rent a homestead sim and have a fashionable avatar.   So, alone I have contributed over $10,000USD to this 'game'.  I for one, would like answers to a few questions.  

    #1.. Why was LL assisting the NSA in their search to violate all the privacy expectations that US Citizens and Residents of SL allegedly have? 

    #2.. Why are we required to read and understand your TOS that even you don't uphold?

    #3.. What future expecations of privacy should we expect?  Because it's apparent that any expectations of privacy we did have are now out the window.  

    I'll be waiting for the answers on the sim I pay for.  You can reach me at Nyundo, I'm usually there about 8-12 hours a day. Or my cell number is on record, feel free to give me a ring. 

    Thank you.

    Xcept Atlas

  2. Ok.. so you don't believe RT because, "They're Russians!" , well, it's time to wake up.  Because it's also CNN that is reporting it, the guardian and ever other quasi reputable news source out there.  The links follow..  

    First is The Guardian's website...


    Second is today on CNN....


    Oh.. and here's the document that AMERICAN TAX PAYER DOLLARS FUNDED on Propublica.org  http://www.propublica.org/documents/item/889134-games

    And... here's the US government's subcontractor's job posting on IARPA.GOV.. http://www.iarpa.gov/Programs/ia/Reynard/solicitation_reynard.html

    And oh... just so you know, SL was aware and was kind enough to give the NSA a brown bag lunch discussion.. Quote from The Guardian article; "In May 2007, the then-chief operating officer of Second Life gave a "brown-bag lunch" address at the NSA explaining how his game gave the government "the opportunity to understand the motivation, context and consequent behaviours of non-Americans through observation, without leaving US soil".

    But.....   someone has declined to comment on today's news, so you, will have to wait for a reasonable explanation as to why all the money you and I sunk into this game would go to assist the government on spying on us. Quote from the guardian article;  "Microsoft declined to comment on the latest revelations, as did Philip Rosedale, the founder of Second Life and former CEO of Linden Lab, the game's operator. The company's executives did not respond to requests for comment."

    Let's see, since September of 2006 I have spent approximately $120 per month, every month.  I rent a homestead sim and have a fashionable avatar.   So, myself, alone, has contributed over $10,000USD to this 'game'.  I for one, would like answers to a few questions.  

    #1.. Why was LL assisting the NSA in their search to violate all the privacy expectations that US Citizens and Residents of SL allegedly have? 

    #2.. Why are we required to read and understand your TOS that even you don't uphold?

    #3.. What future expecations of privacy should we expect?  Because it's apparent that any expectations of privacy we did have are now out the window.  

    I'll be waiting for the answers on the sim I pay for.  You can reach me at Nyundo, I'm usually there about 8-12 hours a day. Or my cell number is on record, feel free to give me a ring. 

    Thank you.

    Xcept Atlas

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