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Adelaide Noelle

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Posts posted by Adelaide Noelle

  1. I live on the water on Jamesborough, but my land ends before it touches the water. I used a root prim on my land to put out a dock (something super cute and not obstructive of the open water at all), but it was returned today. I didn't know that'd happen since those objects went against my land allowance. Is there nothing that can go there? I guess I just don't understand why it was returned if it wasn't obstructive and went against my own prim allowance. 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Raspberry Crystal said:

    I thought I'd got it, then it drifted, I have various different spelling in folders, landmarks, you name it.

    I know there are Is and Es somewhere, and double ss's and lls but they wander about in an ill disciplined way unless I look it up (and even then that depends on the accuracy of whoever I copy it off)

    I think I need some sort of rhyme or similar!!

    Can any creative types think of something?

    B-e-double l-i- double s-e-r-i-a

    I break it up like that, but I kinda make a song out of it, lol.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Mollymews said:

    the LL documentation on the wiki says that its 5 accounts per person (?? possibly email address as the definer of a person ??)  I can't remember exactly where it says this without looking it up. But I think the 5 rule has never been strictly enforced, so its all a bit murky

    I would think this would be difficult to manage because even in a situation where they went by IP addresses, more than one person per household could be playing and yada yada

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

    Just to rub it in: I have abandoned many houseboats because I didn't like the placement. 5 on the big release day for new boats, one later. 

    /me runs

    Someone, somewhere is twitching, I'm sure, lol

    • Haha 4
  5. 57 minutes ago, Bengta said:

    I think the point being not every member has access to a new linden home, for obvious reasons.  It is just my opinion that we should not have the same premium if we do not have the same and equal options.  If at some point linden labs can offer all premium members the same options then of course the premium should be equal.  and I do appreciate what they are trying to create and the new areas are lovely but at the present not all premium members can access them equally.

    As a "homeless" premium member, I have no problem paying the increase while waiting until more houses become available. I think going through the process of making a differentiation between rates for premiums with a home and without would take more time away from actually creating more homes. 

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  6. 3 minutes ago, rachel Caggles said:

    been on the refresh page all day  and keeps tellin me theres homes avaailble but  it snot  showin the trad or boat homes on the pic is it broken or  summit  its been goin on all day

    I've been having the same problem while doing the same thing. I think things are becoming available but quickly being snapped up again. 

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