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portista Chronowire

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Posts posted by portista Chronowire

  1. Hi.

    I stopped playing Second Life for a few months,now I decided to come back and installed the game again.The thing is that when I try to start it appears a message saying that I need to update my graphic card drivers or that my graphic card is not compatible.I used to play Second Life in this pc before so I know my graphic card is compatible(and my pc is recent) and I have installed the last drivers update for my graphic card to.Please help me.thanks

  2. Hi.

    I used to play Seconf Life for a long time but a few months ago I stopped playing and now I decided to come back.The thing is that when I try to start Second Life it shows me an error saying that my graphic card is not up to date or is not compatible.

    Im pretty sure my graphic card is compatible because I already played Second Life in this computer and Im sure that my graphic card drivers are up to date with the latest drivers available.

    I would appreciatte some help.

    Thank you

  3. Hi.
    I stopped playing SL for a while but recently I decided to come back.I installed the sl viewer and it says that my graphic card needs to be updated or may be not compatible.

    The thing is that I used to play a lot of SL in this computer without any problem and I know my graphic card is up to date with the latest drivers available and that it is compatible with the game.

    Appreciate some help

    portista Chronowire

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