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Electra Spearsong

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Posts posted by Electra Spearsong

  1. Since last Wednesday's maintenance in Sl (April 15, 2015) my SL has deteriorated daily - worsening as the days go by. During the peak times between 6pm slt - 9pm stl I went ffrom three days of slow rezzing textures, and mesh not showing.

    Tonight (April 20)  mesh never rezzed for me, it would take 5 minutes to rez just one avatar in the room, half of the people in the room I'd stand in are poofy clouds.  10 Minutes after I tp somewhere in Sl - the textures very slow come through for me. I've done everything - I have draw distance low, minimized everything I can - checked my router, modem ..checked with my internet provider and I have no clue what happened. It seems the issues are getting worse daily and I need to fix this!


    Would love to know what exactly has been changed in Sl with the maintenance last week that it's creating things worse on my end to be in SL!

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