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Mauren Mureaux

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Posts posted by Mauren Mureaux

  1. This is a new one on me. I've had several people try to help me resolve this in world and to no avail. I've gone back to the land i am moving from and checked the parcel settings from there vs the parcel settings on my new parcel and all are the same...i even had someone else look at them. The sim has been reset as recently as 2 hours from this typing.


    When i am on the ground of my parcel, i get the error message when trying to TP up to my shop at 3000m or the buld platform at 2000m. I can use that same LM from OFF sim and it works. 


    While i know people can use the LM to get to my shop (which is the main concern), i have to TP away and then back using the Shop LM in order to get there. Annoying, but do-able.


    Anyone have any helpful, potential solutions to the problem?

    This is where the issue is happening, feel free to pop over and test it for yourself. 






  2. I've been known to help a noob or two in locating some nice FREE items. When i started SL, i remember going to a place called "Free Dove". It's a location will all manner of free items for male and female avs. More recently, i helped a noob, and discovered that the designer "Spooky Mistwallow", Owner of  "Kastle Rock Couture", is the Director of, "Freebies For Newbies". A resident under 30 days can search her in the people search in world and teleport to her main store via the landmark in her picks tab or via this SLURL http://slurl.com/secondlife/Grand%20Isle/93/181/24


    After going up the stairs and entering the store, go to your left and on the wall you will see a sign, "Freebies for Newbies". When you click on it, you will receive 3 items: a notecard with detailed instructions and two items that land in the "objects" folder of your inventory. The notecard will direct a new player to either join the group so that the inventory item can be rezzed (pulled out of inventory) there or to search for a public sandbox where the item can be rezzed. HOWEVER, after goign to where i could rezz the item...it's actually a "purse" that can be worn right where you get it. Once it's worn, it needs to be clicked and a folder is created in inventory and then go from there. The folder contains vouchers from a variety of designers. It's a bit time consuming, but each voucher will need to be properly read and directions followed in order to receive the FREE items.  Currently, there are 35 vouchers that include: outfits/dresses, eyes, cuddle rug, skin & eyes, jewelry set up to $200L, full av pack (Skin, shape, eyes, clothes, shoes, hair, eyes and a basic AO.), low prim chair, lamp, table, profile photo session, boots, barefeet or nails, household items...etc.


    Another thing to keep in mind, there are always hunts going on! TONS of FREE stuff.  Teach a noob to hunt and he will be entertained forever! LOLS!! Hope this helps!!



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