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Rose Sylvestrus

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Everything posted by Rose Sylvestrus

  1. Is not a matter of if we can pay fees or not, of course we can, that's why we bought the parcel. But this man lied to us, he said he would transfer stuff to new owner, but he is hiding from us. .ty for ur answer anyways..
  2. Thanks for ur answer, but yes, they had a deal..he would transfer stuff to new owner..so we don't know what happened. He broke his word.. very bad
  3. Rose Sylvestrus


    We need some help here, please. We bought place in SL. Previous owner did not transfer stuff to new owner. He is not coming online too much , but when he does he wont answer our messages. We sent several messages , even notecards, but seems he is ignoring them, .What can we do now? We spent all our savings on it :( Thanks for your attention..
  4. And , yes, good idea to send notecard to designer,,,tyvm
  5. Thanks Rider, appreciate you answer very much, but its not about money. I know is lot of work here, my partner is a builder, and i know..believe me No reason to get mad...look at this for example ,https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SAD-Hip-Hop-Unisex-CopyNoTransfer/2442055, i would like to buy it , but i wouldnt wear male clothes...so it will be just there, in my inventory... )
  6. Why unisex store owners dont let us transfer clothes? If we buy for both, we should be able to transfer, am i right? :catfrustrated:
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