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Kaioni Lyric

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Posts posted by Kaioni Lyric

  1. Hi everyone,

    I use 3ds max and is familiar with baking etc. What I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind with is texturing glass. How can I get like a glass bowl to look like a glass bowl for Secondlife?

  2. Hi Flapman,

    Yes, I'm referring to 3ds max and that's the process I go through as well. But usually i'm working with a vray mtl light texture making the vray light useless and I Unwrap my Uvw, render to texture my target map slot is usually light color, save and go to photoshop.   Capture.PNG


    However with my skybox I added a standard bitmap texture and unwrap say the floor and render to texture, I get a different set of target map settings and don't really know which one works the best. I've tried ambient color and diffuse but they make the texture really ugly.


  3. Hi all, I'm using primcomposer for 3ds max and tried to import a linked model from secondlife to 3ds max. Everytime I import it though instead of the model it come in as a cube instead of orginal exported model. 

  4. So i'm working on a scene and have textured my furniture but trying to bake with ambient occlusion and this is what I get.



    I did include a area light as well as the sunlight from outside. before I did the occulsion it looked like this. cvgh.jpg


    Am I doing something wrong?

  5. Hi All,

    I'm fairly new to maya and is trying to build a skybox. When creating walls do you use a plan and build individually? Or do you use a cube and use edge loops to customize it? And also when texturing, do you texture in maya? or in ps and upload in maya bake the textures, then import that baked uv texture to sl? If anyone have like a tutorial that would be great as well.

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