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Evangelina Beaumont

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Posts posted by Evangelina Beaumont

  1. i´ve tried that uncheck the group title thing before posting that thread.

    i tried many things... :( cause i heard linden labs won´t answer such "unimportand" tickets. that´s the reason why i try it this way, cause i have read that a admin called maestro linden has helped a girl so she could log in again.

    i am from germany and my co-owner too, so it is VERY expensive to call the helpline... it´s SO frustrating...

    and i forgotton to say that the land we rented is owned by that group -,-

    so.. what will happen to the land when the group is deleted?

  2. We can´t leave the group, cause we are two owners and she can´t log in also.

    and that "all of your members should leave the group within 48 hours" won´t work here..

    we tried to open a ticket, but we don´t know which reason we shall choose, there is none for that reason -,- i tried to take that log in issues reason, but than i shall copy and paste the URL from the side i tied to log in...uhm...URL? :(

    some ideas? or is there a admin who could delete the group, or the title for the owners? PLEASE? cause THAT title was the one with the ? in it. the group name is  :-*** <3 CRAZY 4 U <3 :-***

    that would be awesome, cause we don´t know what to do... **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-sad.gif" border="0" alt=":smileysad:" title="Smiley Sad" />

    thank you


    forgotton to say...the land we rented is owned by that group... so what will happen to the land if the group is deleted?

  3. same problem here :(

    BUT i can´t leave the group, cause we are two owners and she can´t log in also.

    so that "all of your members should leave the groubwithin 48 hours" won´t work here..

    we tried to open a ticket, but we don´t know which reason we shall choose, there is none for that reason -,-

    some ideas? or is there a admin who could delete the group, or the title for the owners? cause THAT title was the one with the ? in it. the group name is  :-*** <3 CRAZY 4 U <3 :-***

    that would be awesome, cause we don´t know what to do... :(


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