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Parasite Palen

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Posts posted by Parasite Palen

  1. Hey just an update, thanks for your help.

    On 5/23/2021 at 7:12 PM, Skell Dagger said:

    Two other things to check:

    The first is whether you have accepted any Experiences. Quite a few furniture items - beds included - require you to accept an Experience, so that the animations will automatically run when you're seated on the furniture, removing the need to accept animation permissions each time.

    The other is for any genitalia that you might be wearing. In the Catwa support group in the past we've had multiple similar persistent animation questions from users of both 'The V' and 'The P', so if you wear any kind of genitalia that contains animations, try removing it and then doing all the Reset Skeleton & Animations and Revoke Permissions again. If that fixes it, re-wear the item and check its HUD to disable the animations. The bed(s) that caused the issue might be interactive with specific brands of genitalia, and have set those animations running. (Head-nodding, in particular, could be an oral animation.)

    If neither of those brings up anything of note, check for any other items you might be wearing that could contain animations. Since you mentioned that 'Developer - Character Test - Test Male' stopped the issue, I suspect it's something you're wearing, as Test Male removes everything and puts you back to the basic noob male avatar.

    It's not doing it any more, but the experiences thing makes a lot of sense too, considering almost all the ones I tested were avsitter. And the one's I thought it might be also had plugins for the P. But it was still doing it when I had nothing but the head attached. What I didn't try was the skeleton and animation reset the first time I went noob.


    On 5/23/2021 at 10:56 AM, Wulfie Reanimator said:

    If you could give me a list of brands to check out (check your teleport history, Alt-H), I can spend a few hours hunting it down. I have guesses but nothing worth saying out loud.

    Astralia, Half Deer, Rawage, Strawberry, Kraftwork, LoftAria, Stockholm&Lima, Little Skully, Backbone

    From the list you might be able to figure the bed wasn't for me lol

    Yeah, I tried a few places. But it could be anything and, as it's not happening to hundreds of people, probably isn't any of the beds. You'd probably be wasting your time trying to track it down.


    On 5/23/2021 at 11:22 AM, Redwood Ash said:


    I have had a similar issue for about 3 months now.


    Try the Developer - Avatar - Character Tests - Test Male option, then right click yourself - Appearance - Reset - Skel & Anims. Maybe drop all your allowed experiences too (don't block). Then relog. Then put yourself back together again.

    If it doesn't help, I might be able to band-aid it with a scripted attachment like I did mine, but that's far from ideal.

  2. Ok good news, maybe.

    It's stopped. I just did Developer - Character Test - Test Male and now it doesn't seem to be doing it any more. Even though I'd already tried Avatar Health - Reset Default Male Avatar yesterday which had no effect.


    Let's hope it holds. Anybody know what the Bento Faces Global Persistence option is all about in some of this furniture?

  3. 3 hours ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

    Which bed caused this?

    I have no idea, I tested a bunch from a bunch of different stores and only noticed it next day. I can't even be sure it was a bed. I just noticed next day that a different piece of furniture had the global bento persistence, which is why I think it might have been that from one of the ones I tested. I could be completely wrong.

    It's definitely not the head itself though, I threw on a ruth 2.0 head just to check and that did it too. So it's definitely my avi stuck in animations.

    My scripted attachment to stop them after each time I teleport works, but I'd rather have my avi fixed. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    After you reset skeleton and animations, did you relog?  

    If the animations are the ones from the bed you were testing, perhaps ask the creator of the bed or a CSR?  

    Didn't relog, so reset again and relogged. No joy.

    I tested a LOT of beds that day from about 8 different places, most of which I can't remember.

    Have also just tried setting Firestorm preferences to revoke permissions on stand and ran around all the beds in the one store I can remember that I tested, just sitting on them and standing again. No idea if it would have made a difference if I'd found the right bed, but it didn't on any of the ones I tried it on.

    Thanks for helping. Weird one huh?

  5. Hey all, not sure this is the right place for this, so if it needs moving, feel free.

    I have a Catwa Daniel head (before you say go to the Catwa support group, read on, I don't think it's the head).

    After testing out a few beds the other day, my head now continues to do animations on its own. If I undeform avatar it stops, but only until I next teleport anywhere, then it starts again.

    I have tried:

    Removing everything but head to make sure no other attachment is affecting it - No effect;

    Redelivery of head - Still does it (this is why I don't think it's the head)

    Using reset buttons on head hud - No effect (doesn't even stop the playing animations)

    Firestorm stop all animations and revoke permissions - Works until teleport

    Firestorm undeform avatar - Works until teleport

    Reset Skeleton and Animations, relogged - No effect;

    No gestures active;

    Using scripts I've managed to narrow it down to 2 animations that start playing when I teleport. So I've made an attachment with a script that stops these animations each time I teleport. This works, but of course it's not ideal. Of course I can only get the UUID of the animations, not the names themselves or any other info.

    I noticed yesterday on a piece of furniture an option under a Bento Heads selection for global animation persistence, that would mean the bento heads continue being animated even after unsit apparently. Which is why I think I'm still being affected by one of these things. I don't understand why that option even exists. But I think it might be what's happening.


    Any ideas on how to fix it? Especially considering replacing the head doesn't work?

    Thanks in advance.

  6. Making a media controller and I don't get why this is happening, I'm sure I've done this before with no problems for a radio, but here goes anyway.

    Using the multipage dialog script from the wiki here:


    Once deeded, the menu doesn't work at all. In case it was the rest of my script I used only the above, with a "You chose "+msg command in the "else".

    I tried using if(llDetectedGroup(0) ) with no joy.

    So what's going on here and how do I make it work?


    Thanks in advance.

  7. Try using Nicecast.

    Found this while looking for a friend who wanted to DJ on SL with their Mac. You will want the full paid version if you want to broadcast more than an hour at a time but it's only $59.


    I don't know about its ease of use or quality unfotunately, but at least worth testing out the free trial.


    Edit: You will need to either set up your own streaming server or hire one. They're cheap enough in world.



  8. Hey there people.


    I'm trying to write a simple script that counts a random timer then outputs a random line from an included notecard.


    The problem I'm having (I think) is that the notecard doesn't get read quickly enough for the script to output anything other than the first line.


    Ok I know you're going to say "You should write it so the script reads and stores the full notecard before starting."

    Thats beyond my capabilities. I've read through many tutorials and examples and the wiki put cannot figure out how to adapt any of those scripts to my needs, so I took what I thought was the simple route.


    I'm hoping that all this needs is a bit of a reorder. Here goes.


    integer channel = 746;

    list options = ["Yes", "No"];

    float min = 10.0;

    float max = 20.0;

    key avatar = "insert key here";

    integer listen_handle;

    string card = "the notecard";

    key linecountid;

    key lineid;

    integer linemax;

    integer random_integer( integer min, integer max )

    return min + (integer)( llFrand( max - min + 1 ) );




    on_rez(integer start_param)



          llSetText("", <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 0.0);


               touch_start(integer total_number)


          listen_handle = llListen(channel, "", NULL_KEY, ""); 

          llDialog(llDetectedKey(0), "Are you ready?", options, channel); 



    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)


       if (message == "Yes")               


    state active;


              else if (message == "No") 






    state active



          llSay(0, "Timer Active.Touch again to stop.");

            llSetText("Active", <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>, 1.0);

            llInstantMessage(avatar, "Timer Active. Be ready :P"); 

          llSetTimerEvent( llFrand( max - min ) + min );




                   touch_start(integer total_number) 


             llSay(0, "Stopped"); 

             llSetText("", <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 0.0);






            llInstantMessage(avatar, "Time's Up"); 

          llSetTimerEvent( llFrand( max - min ) + min ); 

          lineid = llGetNotecardLine(card, random_integer(0, linemax));


         dataserver(key id, string data)


          if (id == linecountid)


              linemax = (integer)data - 1; 


          else if (id == lineid) 


             llSay(0, data); 






    My apologies for the formatting, I have no idea how to paste the script onto the forum, had to manullay tab and space it all out lol.


    Anyway, many thanks in advance if you can help me rearrange it to make ot work, or if you feel really generous you could adapt it for me to read the notecard from the start :)


  9. Ok firstly my apologies for it having been in the wrong place though it showed in the right place for me. Forums / Content Creation / LSL Scripting / 

    Where was it?


    Thanks for all your help. I'm actually going to do as suggested and rethink my strategy on this. Still early days yet.

    I appreciate everybody's help and will look further into all the information given.


    Thanks loads.

  10. Hey all.


    So I'm making an item with multiple scripts that will start on touch, but I don't want several menus popping up. Have had problems with this in the past on stuff I've bought.


    I'm not that good at scripting but have some basic knowledge and can understand or adapt some scripts to my needs.


    Is it possible to create one menu which links to the other menus? A top menu so to speak with a button to select which of the on-touch menus I actually want to mess with.

    Would this require editing the other scripts to take out the touch start?


    Pointing me to the appropriate place to learn for myself would be as much appreciated as it being explained.

    Thanks in advance.

  11. Hey all.

    I've been messing with building for quite some time but never really got into it, and texturing makes my brain hurt. So this is going to be difficult :P


    So I bought a sculpt kit to make myself a bed. All good, easy to put together as most of you will be aware. Now this kit came with baked textures supplied (full perms). Gives it good shading and shadows in all the right places. Except its grey.


    Now I've read through all the other posts on here regarding texturing sculpts, but can't tell whats relevant as I'm not exactly that good with photoshop. (I'll leave that bit to my girlfriend, though she doesn't know how to do this either.)


    My question is...

    How on earth do I use the bakes to create a decent looking texture myself?


    I understand this is a probably a long drawn out explanation which may be well above my capabilities and knowledge, so just pointing me in the right direction to a specific tutorial would be very much appreciated.


    Many thanks in advance.

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