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Xanthe Firehawk

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Posts posted by Xanthe Firehawk

  1. As we know there is a wonderful array of fantastic Full Region estate sims with a choice of 20K or 30K prim allowances. Plus of course the sweet standalone estate Homestead sims with a 5k prim allowance. All of which are great and I have regularly flexed my in-world store up and down to the available sims. However, when trying to create, manage and sustain an in-world store base with some continuity, as well as displaying a collection to inspire Residents’ there is quite a difference between 5k and 20k prims. 5k is often too few prims, with the 20 - 30k prims a lot more of an undertaking tier wise. Currently the only option to perhaps achieve a happy medium of 10k – 15k prim allowance on an estate sim is to share, if you are willing to make the several compromises required that come with sharing that is, though the bonus of sharing a full region is of course a higher prim allowance and lower weekly tier.

    Currently there are no standalone estate sim options available with a 10k prim allowance, as far as I know. Therefore I would like to ask LL if they would consider the feasibility of creating standalone estate sims with a 10k prim allowance, and perhaps calling them “Fullsteads”, “Double Homesteads, or such (maybe even a competition to select a name!). A standalone estate sim with 10k prim allowance would be a great opportunity for the many of us in SL who own medium sized in-world stores but who struggle to achieve a happy balance between prims and tiers.

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