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Mika Semyorka

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Posts posted by Mika Semyorka

  1. I have done several things myself. I have unchecked do not receive group notices, in my account settings online I ckecked unsubscribe to emails, and I have left the group. 


    I am still getting group notices.


    I am a 9 year old veteran of SL. This ain't my first rodeo. I have set individual settings for each of my groups but this one group "all things gacha" I conitnue to get emails and it is so annoying. Anyone have any advice?

  2. I rent land. The land is owned by my group. I have scripts turned off for everyone and my group, however, people are still running scripts? Can someone please help (for example, I still hear bumpers, people are using dancers, walkers, etc.)

  3. Also, I disagree with MArigold, Ive been on sl for a long time and korea seems to be the place I go to the most due to the fact that all of my friends hang out there... I mean korea has A LOT of traffic....and the majority of the traffic is not new avatars it is people like me that come there to chat with a group of people ... since there are new people coming into the sim all the time.....its a way to meet new people as well....

    As easy as it is to say "you need to venture else where" it really is not as easy as that....and it is an easy way to escape a real problem in second life. I mean hell, I've seen so many people who have premium memberships just quit SL all together because of all the crashing that goes on EVERY WHERE in sl! 

    I can't tell you how many time my firends and i have sent abuse reports only to find NONE of them answered....I wish lindens could appoint someone to the job of managing korea...same goes for all other welcome areas. 

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