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Duke Parkin

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Posts posted by Duke Parkin

  1. Thanks for the help, ill try a few things.... i could also try the official viewer too and see if that has the same problem?

    its very strange, i never used to have this problem was on SL almost daily for years... ive taken a years break and updated viewer etc, now this?
    Ive had the same ISP through all this time too.

    I play World of warcraft and dont have any connection problems there...so i presumed it must be SL only related.
    Like i say ill keep trying :)

  2. Sorry if this subject has been discussed already, but a search returned nothing relevent.

    I log in either at the last place i was or at home, and i then TP anywhere i arrive with no problem.

    BUT if i then decided to go anywhere else, im logged out during TP
    I get a message saying im logged out read IMs or Quit ...bla bla

    Its always like this... i get one free TP when i log in, and then thats it!

    I joined the Support group and they pointed me to a wiki guide ... nothing helped :(
    Has anyone else had this problem and managed to fix it?

  3. Gaia Clary wrote:

    Duke Parkin wrote:

    I think the point here to me is this...

    that bedpost could be made with a 1 prim sculpty.

    In fact all 4 posts could be made from a 1 prim chopped cylinder scuplty?


    Or am i missing something?

    Well, you can do that. Remind that for sculpties the UV Map is fixed and the fractions need a whole lot of "collapsed" vertices". Hence you will waste a lot of texture space to get the fractions defined. I believe fractional sculpting is a bad option when you have meshes as an alternative.


    Thats true also

    however in the case of this bedpost that is likely to be either a metal or wood texture, its easily done as a sculp.


    I think this forum topic is a good reminder that Mesh doesnt replace sculpts.

    A good build can be a combination of both mesh and sculpts, to get the best detail and prim count ratio, dependant of course on what your building.

    sorry to keep refering to them as "prim counts" ahah old habits :P

    The suprise of the Land impact/Prim count on newly built Mesh objects is a topic that will rage on for a while yet

    Not only have you got to learn how to build, now its important to learn how to actually import your object too!

  4. I think the point here to me is this...

    that bedpost could be made with a 1 prim sculpty.

    In fact all 4 posts could be made from a 1 prim chopped cylinder scuplty?


    Or am i missing something?

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