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Dorian Felix

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Posts posted by Dorian Felix

  1. I've patiently waited years for the VR experience of SL, it would be the closest thing to an actual "metaverse".  I understand that it's currently not possible because of SL/VR limitations to make it work properly or a good experience.  But does that mean that it cannot eventually be made to work?  With improvements in SL and VR tech, why wouldn't it be possible a couple of years from now?  I don't see why not, or is SL boxed into a framework where it just won't be possible and something different is needed?   This is not for those who don't care for it, that's fine, but a lot of us do, and personally my use of Second Life has always been with the dream to eventually experience it immersively.  To me that's always been the holy grail and eventual evolution of SL.  I'm hoping it's not just a pipe dream.  I have VR headsets and I'd rather spend hours exploring and experiencing a creative world like SL in VR than all the VR games that I've played so far, really don't care for them. 

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  2. I think this is what will make SL truly amazing and immersive! The biggest drawback with SL (and other virtual worlds) is the disconnect between the world and the user, the keyboard and mouse just doesn't cut it; at least not for me.  The SpaceNavigator 3D controller solved half the problem, the Oculus Rift is the other half.  I can't wait!! 

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