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Cami Jameson

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Posts posted by Cami Jameson

  1. So I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this but I figured I would ask anyway.

    The issue is that a group I was once apart of is using objects, textures and scripts that I created and allowed them to use while I was there. When there was a falling out (aka the group owner started a bunch of drama and lost half of the members because of it) I gave them the option to purchase my creations fair and square, I wasn't even asking for much at all but they didn't like that. So before I was banned, which I was warned about, I took my items back (I didn't take the scripts or textures, just my objects that I placed around the sim for decoration, which included some custom art pieces as well as functional sim operation pieces). Well come to find out a few weeks later ALL of my objects were back there and all of them still showed me as the owner (I have a screenshot of all of my objects selected and it clearly showing that it was owned and created by me). The only way I can think of that this happened is the sim/group owner did a restore of a back up of the sim. This really upset me so I filled out an AR. Now its been about a month and I know these things either take forever or never see action but I kinda wanted to get a consensus to see if LL has ever really taken action on IP/TOS violations?

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