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Koda Falken

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Posts posted by Koda Falken

  1. Hello, long time player first time poster..... ever. 


    so I want to start Off first and say, besides basics, I have "NO skill in Scripting" but that does not mean im not trying. Atm Im starting from the ground up and going through all the Tutorial sites,

    number one being - https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Tutorial


    ok so I just want information on what I should be Looking for ( i know this will be Far out of my reach atm to understand but I can save it for later ) 
    I want to make a touch screen for a build I have been working on. I have animated the item with moving and folding prims and when you hit the button the screen opens and the texture on it shows a keyboard. what I want to do "Later on once I learn how to do it" is beable to touch the keys on the Texture to have them work. 

    the best example I can think of is think of stargate. the glyphs on a texture. and when touched. they start to dial the gate. as long as you are touching the right ones it will dial out. I noticed a lot of DHD's out there are like 40+ prims. my controller is only 5.


    I just dont know what im trying to look for? is it called vector? 

    I dont want anyone to write a script for me please, I do wish to learn this on my own. I just need a direction to be pointed in so I can learn. 

    Thank you for your time.

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