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Hunter Roecastle

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Posts posted by Hunter Roecastle

  1. This is just my opinion based on what I've experienced so far.  No bullet points or anything like that ok. So here it goes in a nutshell really. 

    As far as conformation goes and the price point Teegle has the Water Horse beat hands down.  I've been riding most of my life. Since I was a small lad helping my grandfather at the stockyards.  I just haven't owned anything in the last few years but I know a well conformed Quarter Horse and that hasn't changed just because I haven't owned one in a while.  The Teegle American Paint (Quarter Horse)  is much better put together as are the other breeds.  The new Teegle Arabian is astonishing to look at by the way.  The Water Horse Quarter Horse however, is low in the hip and buttocks and kind of thin back there which isn't conducive of a good conformation Quarter Horse.  The barrel and the back is too long.  It's not terrible but when you take a close look you'll never get it out of your mind.  The horse is just too long.  The neck and crest of the horse is too long as well, which looks particularly odd when the horse grazes. 

    All that said, while the Water Horse is much more expensive with a poor conformation, and that goes for just the Quarter Horse mind you.  I'm no expert on Warm Bloods but I would imagine the same rules would apply as far as conformation.  So with all that said.... the Water Horse's animations, both the gates of the horse and the position and posture of the rider, is not only more realistic but much smoother and better.  When you ride a Water Horse you won't feel like your riding a bike or a motorcycle or a car in SL.  You'll feel like the horse itself has personality and your avatar will feel like she/he's riding a horse.  When you take a Water Horse out on new trails it'll feel like a new adventure!  It's really fun.  Unfortunately, as much as I love the way my Teegle Horse looks, I could be riding a prim around and it'd feel just about the same.  I haven't mentioned audibles yet, but the sounds of the hoofs hitting the ground etc are much much better with the Water Horse.   The Teegle's clip clop hoof sounds are so bad I turn mine off.  Also while the WH does not have a dismount yet as of this post, it does have an awesome mounting animation which is really nice.  The Teegle unfortunately does not.   Not yet anyway.

    It's a shame really, but if you could combine the mesh (conformation) from Teegle and it's great price with the animations and feel your avatar experiences when riding a Water Horse into one horse you'd have the foundation for an amazing virtual horse ride that could keep you entertained and interested for good. 

    All said, neither are perfect but I'm sure both camps are working on making their product better over time.  I'll add that both designers are truly genius and both products are superb overall.  Either would work well into your role play in SL as well.  Demo both and make up your own mind.

    One last thing.  As I sated in the first sentence of this post, this is just my opinion.  I don't want to ruffle any feathers out there and make someone angry.  I know sometimes people tend to get attached to one thing and it's sometimes hard to have an open mind about it.  I've done the same thing.  So please just take this for what it's worth and as just one persons opinion and that's about it. 

    Cya on the trails buckaroos and enjoy the day.

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