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Iota Ultsch

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Everything posted by Iota Ultsch

  1. The duration of credit processing times is a joke. It is designed to float our money at our expense. Not impressed. It's unprofessional, vexatious, and totally unnecessary. As Weena Janic says, it would be a lot more appropriate if our money went into our banks as quickly as Linden Labs and Paypal extract it. There is no need for this delay. It takes the fun out of earning in SL. Some people even rely on it to live. It's one of the many things that completely ticks me off about SL. It does not inspire me to keep going.
  2. Which is what I did. Stepped up. But I see your point. And on that note, once again....thank you for your contribution to the discussion.
  3. Darrius. Perfectly put. OK. I'm leaving this conversation hoping that it reaches the right ears and not some drama queen who wants to turn this into a topic about their obedience and penchant for abuse. Thank you for participating and shedding some light and empathy on the subject.
  4. Medhue, I have to say, your words resonate. Only I'm not as patient or as gracious as you. LOVE that you care about humanity. I do too...until my freedom is encroached upon by hypocrites.
  5. I referenced that statement too. In saying so, nobody has the power to insult another if there is no element of truth in what is said. I stand by my summation of the subject at hand which is more about inequity in business trading and NOTHING to do with someone else's willingness to wait, and wait, and wait for payment, which in my mind, is in fact not a virtue, but a slavish attribute which contributes to ALL problems in society. EITHER BREAK THE ABUSE CYCLE or DEAL WITH IT!
  6. Brilliant response. Especially the part about the slave mentality and LL clearly understaffing. But getting back to the slave mentality....I will never understand why people are so willing to be collared by companies and financial institutions. It's like one is whoring themselves out. The mind boggles! Then the "slaves" get self-righteous, trying to teach us what? How to be a perfect slave? FFS! Go work like a freak and be treated like one in the little Gorean dungeon you've created for yourselves in RL and let the serious folk who care about your rights do just that! Glad I vented! LOL
  7. WOW! How presumptious! No one said YOU should. Would never want to deprive you of your Lindens!
  8. I too haven't read the threads because I don't have the luxury to sit down and read every thread posted on this subject. There is NOTHING wrong with raising the issue again, and again until something is done about it. My argument is that money talks, and the only way to reform an issue so that it recieves the priority that it deserves is to affect an economy by using OUR money as a tool to demonstrate. Whether it is PayPal or Linden Labs is irrelevant. As mentioned in great detail by a previous poster, there are macros capable of deciphering fraud through numeric patterns. This computation is done instantly. The truth of the matter, is that our two phase payment is floated. Real Life banks do the same. It's a detestable practice that all of us have inadvertently accepted through our complacence, when what should've been done from the outset is class action lobbying for new legislation that forbids the practice.
  9. Yes, this is exactly what I resent...having my earnings floated by ANYONE. Thank you for your answer. It is exactly what I suspected happened.
  10. Perhaps if we all stopped buying Lindens for two weeks they'd think twice about **bleep**ing us around. You gotta hit their pockets in the same way they hit ours.
  11. Just wondering why the real world processing of payments takes soooooo long. I really think it's unsustainable and a tad rude. Linden Labs makes a cut out of millions of payments each week. Linden Labs also gets THEIR payment immediately, so why can we not have our PROCESS CREDIT TIME QUARTERED? We are in a recession globally, and this affects us all regardless of circumstance. If it means putting on an extra couple of accountants to do the job please do it! It's the polite and moral thing to do, particularly when when it is because of us business owners that Linden Labs continues to thrive. I've been in Second Life since March 2nd 2007, that's 7 years and 2 months. Time to get this issue sorted for us Linden Labs!
  12. Hi, I'm on a MacBook Pro and I've had problems with voice ever since the update a bit over a week ago. My dot is showing but there is no activity in the input/output bar. Yet, I can hear other talking. Any suggestions? Thank you :-)
  13. Hi, I'm on a MacBook Pro and I've had problems with voice ever since the update a bit over a week ago. My dot is showing but there is no activity in the input/output bar. Yet, I can hear other talking. Any suggestions? Thank you :-)
  14. Hello, I'm searching for someone cool to share the rent of the homestead sim "Whipped Cream". I run my business there but I've located my retail premises on the edge of the sim so that leaves plenty of space to build and get creative without the sim feeling like a retail space. For this reason I prefer the rest of the sim to be non commercial, for private use. I also want the sim to have a beach / resort feel with contemporary vibe. I am an architect in Second Life as well as a fashion designer so I am happy to rez a selection of homes for you to choose from and do any additional terraforming to help you create the atmosphere that you enjoy within the theme. An alternative approach, if you can't commit to the half sim, is if you have another friend who also wants to share the costs then I can split your portion of the sim in half again, halving your tier, naturally. Please contact me in world " iota ultsch", and I'll show you around. Kind regards, iota ultsch
  15. Hello, I'm searching for someone cool to share the rent of the homestead sim "Whipped Cream". I run my business there but I've located my retail premises on the edge of the sim so that leaves plenty of space to build and get creative without the sim feeling like a retail space. For this reason I prefer the rest of the sim to be non commercial, for private use. I also want the sim to have a beach / resort feel with contemporary vibe. I am an architect in Second Life as well as a fashion designer so I am happy to rez a selection of homes for you to choose from and do any additional terraforming to help you create the atmosphere that you enjoy within the theme. An alternative approach, if you can't commit to the half sim, is if you have another friend who also wants to share the costs then I can split your portion of the sim in half again, halving your tier, naturally. Please contact me in world " iota ultsch", and I'll show you around. Kind regards, iota ultsch
  16. Hello, I'm searching for someone cool to share the rent of the homestead sim "Whipped Cream". I run my business there but I've located my retail premises on the edge of the sim so that leaves plenty of space to build and get creative without the sim feeling like a retail space. For this reason I prefer the rest of the sim to be non commercial, for private use. I also want the sim to have a beach / resort feel with contemporary vibe. I am an architect in Second Life as well as a fashion designer so I am happy to rez a selection of homes for you to choose from and do any additional terraforming to help you create the atmosphere that you enjoy within the theme. An alternative approach, if you can't commit to the half sim, is if you have another friend who also wants to share the costs then I can split your portion of the sim in half again, halving your tier, naturally. Please contact me in world " iota ultsch", and I'll show you around. Kind regards, iota ultsch
  17. Hello, I'm searching for someone cool to share the rent of the homestead sim "Whipped Cream". I run my business there but I've located my retail premises on the edge of the sim so that leaves plenty of space to build and get creative without the sim feeling like a retail space. For this reason I prefer the rest of the sim to be non commercial, for private use. I also want the sim to have a beach / resort feel with contemporary vibe. I am an architect in Second Life as well as a fashion designer so I am happy to rez a selection of homes for you to choose from and do any additional terraforming to help you create the atmosphere that you enjoy within the theme. An alternative approach, if you can't commit to the half sim, is if you have another friend who also wants to share the costs then I can split your portion of the sim in half again, halving your tier, naturally. Please contact me in world " iota ultsch", and I'll show you around. Kind regards, iota ultsch
  18. Thank you so much. I was clearly not delving right into the threads + missed the "start thread" button. Cheers. Please contact me in world. I'd like to give you a little something from my collection, as a token of my appreciation :-)
  19. Hello, I'm searching for someone cool to share the rent of the homestead sim "Whipped Cream". I run my business there but I've located my retail premises on the edge of the sim. I prefer the rest of the sim to be non commercial, for private use. I also want the sim to have a beach / resort feel with contemporary vibe. I am an architect in Second Life as well as a fashion designer so I am happy to rez a selection of homes for you to choose from and do any additional terraforming to help you create the atmosphere that you enjoy within the theme. An alternative approach, if you can't commit to the half sim, is if you have another friend who also wants to share the costs then I can split that half so that you both pay half the amount, naturally. Please contact me in world " iota ultsch", and I'll show you around. Kind regards, iota ultsch
  20. Hello, I'm searching for someone cool to share the rent of the homestead sim "Whipped Cream". I run my business there but I've located my retail premises on the edge of the sim. I prefer the rest of the sim to be non commercial, for private use. I also want the sim to have a beach / resort feel with contemporary vibe. I am an architect in Second Life as well as a fashion designer so I am happy to rez a selection of homes for you to choose from and do any additional terraforming to help you create the atmosphere that you enjoy within the theme. An alternative approach, if you can't commit to the half sim, is if you have another friend who also wants to share the costs then I can split that half so that you both pay half the amount, naturally. Please contact me in world " iota ultsch", and I'll show you around. Kind regards, iota ultsch
  21. ...but cannot find the link to post a thread under Land. What is the best way to do this?
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