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vivacious Clarity

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Posts posted by vivacious Clarity

  1. Hello everybody! Thank you for reading my post! I'm basically here looking for some new friends who share similar interests with me. I've been on SL for quite a few years now and sadly I have found it harder and harder to make new friends. ?(Maybe I talk too much ? )  

    Here's a little bit about my Second life: I have parents whom mean the world to me 

                                                           I have a best friend whom I love unconditionally. 

                                                           I spend my day online shopping, working on photography, decorating, exploring events and circling random RP sims.

                                                           I  RP when I get the chance which isn't often, mostly "family" or the normal everyday type roles/occupations.

                                                           I am online usually from 4pm to 8ish SLT and then from 11pm to late but I have a very flexible schedule so I can do mornings too! I do have my offline days as well.(Weekends I'm on earlier !)

                                                           If we get along , I would love the chance to bring you into my world!

    About me: I'm talkative, polite..sometimes funny/twisted in my vocabulary. I love pink, glitter , hearts and anything cute and pretty!:x

    What I'm seeking is someone of any gender, you must be trustworthy, active inworld.. meaning we wont just stand around at one place but stand around at several different places (Hah!?) .. someone interested in shopping... you must have good luck when it comes to winning rares in gachas(Haha Jk! ?). Someone who will have time for me, bring me into their own little SL world and just connect!

    A few things: Please don't friend request me if you never plan on talking to me again. Its mean.

                          I almost never voice, birthdays, holidays are sometimes an exception so if you aren't friends with typing we sadly won't get along.

                          I love writing. 

    If you've gotten this far and I haven't annoyed you yet and you're very much interested in hanging out with me, please feel free to IM me inworld or send me a NC if Im offline!  I can't wait to get to know you!?I do love to change my avatars look frequently but this is ME:


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  2. Looking for a girl or guy who enjoys shopping.. going to events, fairs and all that fun stuff... who can be a good friend.. an expert listener and my confidant! hahaha... Ive unfortunately had a falling out with a friend of many years who i dedicated many endless hours to.. and who untimately broke my heart into tiny pieces so if you arent scared of helping me put myself back together and enjoy shopping and talking and ranting and venting join me on my second life journey and I promise.. I will be sweet and I promise to always tell you when youre alphas arent working and when youre bald headed and nakie and clueless to the fact hahaha ..Message me if you want to hang out..o.o I'm tired of constantly messaging people inworld with no response . this way.. At least only those interested will be interacting with me 

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