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Mariusz Ivanovic

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Posts posted by Mariusz Ivanovic

  1. You know when you turn on the TV early in the morning and see those news shows where everyone is grinning from ear to ear, putting on fake laughs at the corniest puns and attempts at jokes you've ever witnessed, and all "News Stories" are easy to digest, cute, and with a happy ending? If you went through life with these shows as your only source of what is happening in the world, you'd think the world was a perfect paradise, and the worst thing happening today across the globe is a poor cute little kitty stuck in a tree that brave firemen/women rescued and found a home for.

    This is pretty much the perspective you get of SL reading these forums. Sure, there are plenty of helpful people here to give you pointers on shopping, pics, maybe tweaking settings, leave fun little comments on EVERY post, and you can tell they care about SL and the community, but just like there is just NO ROOM for serious journalism, investigative reporting, or any story that might bum people out on your early morning news program, there is also just NO ROOM for any kind of serious discussions, opinions, critical critiques, or anything negative here in these forums. The very same people, who seem so helpful and obligated to post in EVERY thread, so charming and sweet, will turn on a dime if you post ANYTHING in here that resembles critical thinking, critiquing SL in any way, or even making suggestions on how to improve something, point out issues or paint SL or LL in anything other than being perfect.

    If you state any kind of background, experience, or insight into topics, you will be told, none of that matters, yet they will inflate those same claims to make you look like you're being snobbish, arrogant, or better than others. (I kept having valid credentials and experiences boosted to levels I never claimed "I'm a gamer" turned into "I'm a world class pro gamer" by others yet even those false titles also didn't carry extra clout, still wouldn't matter). You will be shouted down, made to look and feel unimportant, isolated, minimized, and told your opinions or contributions don't matter, or are hallucinations, or imaginary. Any sincere discussion even if its 80% positive 20% negative, will be invalidated, and transformed from any meaningful discussion or discourse, into a topic unrecognizable from its origin. Your own words will be misquoted, changed to suit alternate intentions, or just completely fabricated, or turned into all out lies and mutations of valid points or topics you may have made. 

    Even if you have made valid points, have valid complaints, even if it's an issue or topic that pertains to YOU ALONE, you will be ridiculed, taunted, and invalidated, unless you have a simple to answer direct question or statement that is completely and 100% positive. 

    The same helpful people jumping in every post being so cheerful and helpful to those with easily remedied issues, or cute pics people took of their new SL puppy wanting an upvote, quickly change to deceitful, slandering, monsters who will belittle you, invalidate you, change the topics of your posts, ignore valid concerns or critical questions or issues, and just post and post and post gibberish with ABSOLUTELY nothing to add or contribute, just divert attention until the thread goes so off the rails, its eventually shut down by mods, to which they all applaud, since that is their goal...Squash all critique, and issues, and keep things bright and sunny. Even if you try to nip it in the bud as it's happening, try to keep the thread to the TOPIC AT HAND, and repeatedly request that posts stick to topics, you will be accused of everything from ATTACKING PEOPLE, to not accepting positions or opinions other than your own, even if those same people are not even addressing the same topics or issues.

    Example :  topic, SL is slow today...OP sticks to topic, offers suggestions, and complains. 10 shill posts later: Pizza with Pineapple, yes or no? OP :Can we please stick to the topic at hand?  Shill posts: None of us have slow SL today, you are racist against Hawaiians and Italians, because you don't like pineapples OR pizza, and clearly don't know anything about SL. Stop attacking us for wanting to talk about how we like our pizza! LL Mod steps in and shuts down the thread, all the shills hit their LIKE button for the mod.

    Maybe if the shills want to talk about pizza, they should make a new post on the topic, instead of making 50 irrelevant posts and contributing nothing but invalidation, ridicule, dismissal, and diversion from the thread they are interacting with, and destroying. All the while, upvoting their garbage gibberish from fellow shills. Its the same people, the same faces, the same tactics over and over again, the proof is in any posts not painting LL and SL in perfection that hasn't been deleted or shut down by mods.

    To them, complaints, critiques, concerns, or even just trying to make a suggestion that would better SL, would be like someone taking a piss in the morning news anchors mimosa.

    This post is my PERSONAL EXPERIENCE and OPINION, You can agree or disagree, but on these 2 factors, there is no "Right and Wrong" Please Don't invalidate me as a PERSON and act like my thoughts and feelings don't matter. If they don't matter to YOU, then just don't respond, no need...The shills don't have to put their fingers in every friggin pie every time, every day. This post ...again, is not for the people with THOUSANDS of posts to comment, contribute or reply to, let it serve as a warning to anyone with 3k posts or less or even people who NEVER posted, of what you're in for, by putting yourself out here, or maybe even a wake up call to LL for what this forum really is (on the highly doubtful chance they don't already know/encourage it), Your Bright and sunny Early morning news, where everything is perfect! (even when we all know its not.)

    I'll be following this thread, out of curiosity, but not responding to this, or any other thread, nor posting on this forum again. There is really no point regardless of the topic, issue, opinions or problems, unless they are 100% positive, or contain pics of puppies or whatever...favorite pizza toppings...just not interested in shill group think

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  2. 19 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    It looks like they are going to skip the army of Alt accounts posting support. Possibly they are getting close to posting "Linden Labs [sic] please close this thread", instead of using the "report feature". It's not too late for the "free thinkers" to come play for awhile. Nobody has jinxed it with an IBTL yet. 

    The shill army is just fired up tonight, huh? Weren't you leaving like 2 hours ago, Love? I don't have to resort to shady tactics like the shill squad does, I'm genuine, and hopefully my logic and points I'm making touch a few people who actually ARE free thinkers, and not trying to shut any decenting opinion down they don't like, but keep hitting those fun buttons from the other shill squad members no matter how absurd or out of line or trying to drowned me out and invalidate my opinion. LIKE LIKE FUNNY! CLAP CLAP MONKEY GO CLAP! SHILL SQUAD GO! There is power in our post counts, even IF we have nothing to actually say, just keep throwing baseless accusations needing alt armies to back up my concerns, and prove my points and opinions on you guys over and over.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    Your feelings where objective matters are concerned is not as relevant as you might like to believe. They in fact stopped being relevant the moment you tried to claim that your experience was the norm which you very much did with your phrasing.

    And the usual responses are being given at this point.

    How many more entries from the Playbook are going to come out and be attempted?

    Maybe you need to actually read what I posted. If I have many alts, some with friends lists in the 100's, and 50-80% of people I KNOW IN SL are experiencing the same issues, and LL themselves repeatedly admit it IS an issue, and they "Are Working on it" then that is a WIDESPREAD and serious issue, because I'm sure that for every 3 people AWARE this issue exists, there are 3 others than are NOT aware. I'm not stating actual statistics here, that's impossible. For you to claim you know better, is also impossible, and also probably incorrect, since I have a pretty extensive pool of people I've discussed this with before even posting anything here. But again, my feelings ARE relevant to me, and SL is important enough to me, that I choose to come on here and make my feelings and opinions known, you may not like that, but like I've repeatedly stated, I don't expect people to just agree with me, those with actual insight, thoughts, and comments on the topic that add something are quite welcome, other posts like yours, that literally add NOTHING, really don't matter to me, especially since most of the people I've directly called out in here, I've had unpleasant dealings, and similar behavior, in the past and seem to defend SL and LL no matter the issue or topic, or valid concern or gripe about the service. So my experiences ARE the norm if 50-80% of people I know consistently suffer with this issue, and have caused people to lose friends or contacts over. Still not sure what your actual point is here, or your goal, but since you seem to argue with someone who says the sky is blue just for the sake of hearing yourself chatter away, I'm not really sure YOU know what you're point is either, other to invalidate my opinions and experiences and knowledge of like you did in previous interactions.

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  4. 1 minute ago, Solar Legion said:

    Next step in the Playbook: "I'm gonna report you and you and you over there! Phear meh for I wish to stifle responses!"

    Yeah, most people get a little pissy when someone calls them a misogynist, puts words in their mouths they never said, and imagine circumstances that never happened. Imagine that, huh? It doesn't take much to admit "that was wrong, and I apologize" so they deserve being reported if they are gonna stand by what they did. I don't delete or heavily edit ANY of my posts, I only correct punctuation, or small errors in spelling and typos, so no need to document by fear of being called out on your bullcrap and slanderous statements.

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  5. 5 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    Oh do please keep pretending you're in the right.

    Since this entire post is based on MY EXPERIENCE and FEELINGS, technically nobody but ME knows what "right" is. You really can't debate how I FEEL, or know better, can you? are you now claiming you have ESP? You can enter and read my mind? Do you know what's best for ME better than I do? I can't even express my feelings in here without someone saying...No you feel THIS way instead. People that made valid points and comments to my post, I embraced and accepted, people like YOU, don't really matter to me. You've added nothing except trying to invalidate HOW I FEEL. I don't think you or any of the shills in here can do that. If you really think you know better, than maybe YOU can pay for my premium accounts, and tell me what's acceptable and what is not. Maybe you want to be my Daddy...do you want to be my Daddy Solar? are you gonna spank me if I get out of line again, or discuss opinions not approved by the shill committee? Frigging pathetic

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  6. 4 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:


    yeah sorry "darlin'" but since its not looking like you have the common courtesy to actually admit when you HAVE crossed a line, and apologize, I'll report you like the inept social ape you are. The fact you also just assume I'm a male based on my avatar and avatar name perhaps suggests you are the one with gender hangups, and not me. Gender played absolutely no factor in this thread or discussion until your brilliant and baseless comment vomited out of your keyboard. Its unfortunate to see all the other monkeys in the zoo clapping for your pathetic behavior...just shows the level of class and mutual respect shown in these forums.

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  7. 21 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    I see that the Playbook is coming out now .... How utterly typical.

    Like I said, new material is needed ... This went exactly as expected.

    I'm totally devasted I'm not keeping you entertained Solar, as that was my only real intention this whole time. I think YOU are the one being utterly typical here, and pompous as usual. The last time we had a discussion, it involved currency markets, and stock markets, being like actual financial exchanges, compared to the facade we deal with in here, and you made your extensive knowledge on the topic very clear, and repeatedly spewed misinformation, and the fact you were completely clueless and out of your league about what you were discussing, but that never stops you from chiming in like some expert of everything.

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  8. 21 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    🍬Sweetie🍬, I don't think I owe you any sort of apology. You may not have literally told anyone to shut up, but you did complain that some people posted too much and tell them to stop posting on this thread.

    If you don't feel like you owe me an apology, then perhaps you'll be the first I do actually request to STFU. Asking people not addressing the issues, diverting from the issues, or not adding anything constructive to move on, is not COMPLAINING or asking them to shut up. They were also people I've seen do the same things in other posts over and over and over, and know what their intentions are by now, and I've even delt with a few first hand in the very few times I've ever said anything in this forum. Same faces, same tactics, different topics, and opinions. Again, I will request an example of what you accused me of, an apology, or for you to also keep your opinions to yourself if you're going to throw around serious yet baseless accusations, and kindly move on. You can't just call someone a sexist or imply a lack of respect for a certain gender with absolutely no proof, and act like it didn't happen. I'm seriously considering reporting you over this issue unless you apologize. Addressing "SOME PEOPLE" in a thread is not even close to telling a woman to shut up based on gender.

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  9. 13 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:


    You JUST got done judging the information I provided you by how it was "packaged".  (I'm not sure if you would have preferred millennial "chat-speak", 90's l33t-speak, 80's slang, 70's lingo, 60's counter-culture, 50's cool cat, or if any manner of presentation at all would have made a difference.) 

    Don't you see that is exactly the same thing?  I'm still not going to read your response, I'm done with your disrespect. I only read enough to decide on this reply. I'm done with you, nothing will please you.

    Kinda my original point, you don't take the time to listen, you just like to hear yourself...I'm sure with over 24k posts, it really doesn't take much at all to respond to ANYTHING, you've made that clear repeatedly. 

    I thanked you for the information you provided, I just found what you said in the context of stating "I'm not a shill" to be humorous and ironic. I never said it wasn't appreciated, correct, or unwanted. 

    If this whole time I was saying things like..."I'm so smart I know everything!" while constantly making spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, and poorly explaining my thoughts, it would also kind of be ironic and humorous to some, in the same way, no? 

    Since you just took the TLDR route though, I guess it would be hard to grasp the points I made...still waiting on your pasting valid couterpoints to anything I stated in my original post. All I see are you making it about yourself and claiming constant attacks from me, and invalidating my concerns. Things a shill would do by the way. Hopefully your last and final post on this topic will actually be a paste of what I requested from you, and prove me wrong.

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  10. 5 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    In case you missed it, ^ this is a male lion.^  I wonder if you only tell posters who you think are female to shut up?

    If you're going to insinuate that I'm some kind of misogynist, you may want to paste an actual example of me telling someone to "shut up" based on their gender. Thats some pretty heavy crap you're throwing around there "sweetie". I'm not sure I've told anyone to "shut up" anywhere in these forums, ever, male, female or any other pronoun one wishes to call themselves. I think Love is at best, capable to defend herself, and tell me when she feels I've attacked her, repeatedly, please don't put words or intentions in MY mouth OR hers, worry about yourself, and your actions, which this one happens to be an appalling attempt to paint me as something I'm not. I feel you owe me an apology, and perhaps have misread my reply and what statement I was replying to.

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  11. 4 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I'm sorry, but I just can't read your long posts that have to paragraph breaks.

    Guess I hit a nerve with my last post, which was honest, sincere, and patient. 

    Like I said, it would be much easier to just pass me that form LL provides for this type of thing. 

    Now its an issue with my text FORMATTING, and spacing, how about you provide me your optimal font, spacing, how you'd like me to express myself, how you'd like me to feel on given topics.

    any specific COLOR? Do you have any disabilities or disadvantages I should be aware of so I can make arrangements or adjustments? (I'm sure you'll be tempted to claim I'm now attacking differently abled people judging by your track record, and don't you dare.)

    Again...nothing to add, make the post all about you...I may have to change the name of the post to 

    A real Shame: How Love Zhaoying thinks I should feel about my SL experiences, and how I can perfectly convey them to her so she understands my meaningless opinion that nobody can disagree with

    is that what you were being honest and genuine about? 

    You keep repeating that you are making counterpoints to my post, and debating me...can you give ONE example of you doing this? because I seriously can not. Your only counterpoint you've made here is the friends list issue lasting 10 years, compared to my complaint of 1 year. Is that really a counterpoint? It sounds more like agreeing with me its a long lasting issue that lots of people experience, yet you claim my complaints are not vaild or correct, and that my experiences don't matter or reflect reality.

    Please, paste one legitimate example of you actually addressing or making counterpoints to my original post, because I just don't see it.

    The only thing you do, in almost every post you contribute to in here, that has complaints or criticism, is divert away from valid issues and complaints and try to drowned out serious faults and feedback with noise, pointless accusations, and making the topic about your favorite subject : YOU

    I'm sure I can find several examples of this from other posts, of you doing what I've described.

    Hopefully this spacing and formatting is more to your liking

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  12. 2 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Yes but..

    You miss the point. Completely!

    Just because someone lists things that have been done, fixed, or are planned by Linden Lab, does not make them a shill.

    It does not even mean they are a promoter.

    It only means, they are providing you information.

    Here is a use-case: let's say, instead of your complaints, rants, and ad hominem attacks, you came into the forum and said, "Hey guys, I'm feeling bummed out. Second life just seems outdated. So many bugs. Is there any plan to improve things, or do something to attract new users? It just feels like Linden Lab doesn't do anything for us lately."..

    ..I or someone, or multiple someone's, would provided the SAME information. It's just information.

    You choose to view that information suspiciously. So, your interpretation is colored by your point of view and predisposition.

    You see? It had nothing to do with "us". For my part, I provided a "list of positive things" not just as an argument, but to provide you some "hope" - hope that things are getting better, things will get better, someone cares.

    But instead, since you view the INFORNATION (that's all it is) with suspicion and a negative pre-disposition, your viewpoint is negative even when provided with positive INFORMATION.

    See? We're not shills, your attitude is just skewed. 

    You think I miss a lot, misunderstand a lot, misinterpret a lot, but I think I'm pretty spot on. I'm sorry my thoughts on issues important to me, don't conform to your expectations of how they should be presented, perhaps LL has a form you can provide to address this? You seem to assume a lot about me, yet are very inaccurate in those assumptions. I wasn't COMPLAINING about your provided information, I just thought the delivery sounded a bit...scripted? Like I said...almost like promotional material for LL, and found it humorous, and ironic considering the topic we've been discussing. Since we are suggesting ways we should package our rants or information, if I was trying to convey what you were saying, I'd just be like...HEY! theres a bunch of cool new features coming! So at least there is SOME innovation and things to look forward to in the future. Instead of sounding like I was reading tech specifications from a DVR manual. Thank you for knowing and telling me how I should feel though, about any given topic. Since we are doing that, maybe you can change your perspective to know the difference between some playful banter, and an ATTACK of some kind? I see nothing wrong with the original post, and how I expressed myself. I pay for a service, and expect basic functions of the service to work as intended. I'm not even being overly critical or asking a lot...Things happen, bugs, outages, restarts, glitches, but these issues are PERSISTANT REPEATABLE LONG LASTING ISSUES that have not been fixed after ...well I was apparently being generous by saying a year, but in your own words you claimed over 10 years! So I'm not sure what you are even debating here...You are just repeatedly diverting off topic, making things about you, and refusing to just move on as repeatedly requested. Thank you for your information you supplied, and the contributions you've made to the thread I started, but please refrain from telling me how to express myself, and how I should feel about...ANYTHING. I'm a coherent adult capable of expressing myself as I deem appropriate, and as long as I'm following the guidelines of the forums, have every right to. It's not even like you are disagreeing with what I'm saying, you are just diverting the topic AWAY from what I'm saying, and that is NOT ok, or welcome. I have no issues at all with people disagreeing with me, as I've stated many times in many posts here, and its not something I even expect or WANT. As long as its constructive and relevant to the post, its fine, no anger, no attacking. I've seen you do exactly what you are doing in THIS post, in other posts...over and over. If you just don't get me, I think that's a YOU issue, since I've explained myself and my position and purpose of this rant over and over to you and anyone else with comments or questions. I'll ask again, please just move on, because I'm tired of this silly back and forth about totally NOTHING relating to my post. I'm sure you're not going to stop though until you get your last word in, and feel like you've won the internet for the day! Here's a sticker, go away!

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  13. 3 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

    Okay, I won't, thanks for letting me know.

    As far as bringing up technical issues and you losing faith in LL, it seems to be part of the reason you are losing faith in LL as per your written out OP.  You are losing faith in their lack of "fixing" things that need to be fixed.

    But, also the reason I responded I don't have issues with friends list is because of my issue with EEP.  I know people have other machines so I needed to see what *their experience is with their machine* and then kind of compare notes to see how I can improve EEP with my equipment.  We all have different equipment.  

    I see now the friends list does have some problems and you sound burned out from it.  I had *EEP is a hassle* and takes too much time burnout for awhile too.

    I've taken breaks from SL and returned.  Many people have.  It's okay to do that, but I think you said you are paying monthly.  Hmmm, that may be one of the reasons I don't want to pay monthly.  

    I pay yearly subs x4, so they already have my money, and I have little recourse other than to come on here every few months and let out my frustrations no matter if they come from a good or bad place. I used to have these yearly subs x4 in ADDITION to buying over 200$ worth of L$ per month, which I've already put a stop to, and feel I spend more money than most people, and no, NOBODY is getting my stuff if/when I go, most of my avatars are worth more than RL cars when adding up all their inventory....I'm not bragging here, just stating my level of investment and former belief I had in this company and product.

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  14. 14 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    bugs fixed, new mobile viewers (which means lots of more people), new default / free bodies, new "materials" (PBR), actual "mirrors", 2048 Premium Plus homes - ALL of that and much, much more, is coming, very very VERY soon. 

    IN FACT: the one specific thing we discussed the most - which you brought up in your original post - the "Friends online / Friends list" issue, is RIGHT on the login screen. Linden Lab is actually, actively working on the issue.  I know at least one other person brought it up in this thread, but here's a picture and a link:  

    OK so...seriously when I read this post, I was totally busting out laughing inside and out because, (and really I'm NOT attacking you here, or trying to hurt your feelings) but this part I quoted...you are like..."I'm totally not a shill" but then go on to post what sounds like a promotional video for LL...like a literal commercial for the company...do you not see the humor, irony, coincidence of this, and WHY I'd think you were actually a shill? I'm sure you are self aware of your actions and things you post...This is bordering on comedic gold to me, like seriously...I'm starting to think maybe you are actually trolling me here, because any reasonable person would look at this last post and be like...damn this girl is a shill! Are you really this deep and layered? We might need to get together in SL for a coffee and private conversation, and a good ole laugh over this...You are a trip girl

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  15. 8 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

    Just want to make clear I am not a shill nor defending SL by saying I have not had problems with my FRIENDS LIST.

    But, you need to understand, I may have a different SL than you do.

    1.  I've been building since sculpties and running a store and offline quite a lot in other programs even when on SL.  I tend to notice in the left hand corner of my local chat area when friends log on or off but even then might not have the time to talk to anyone as I'm building.  

    2.  I go to *occasional* events in SL and most of my friends go to the same events so I see them all at the same time for the most part with little exception here and there.  

    3.  I never make big friends list.  I stopped making big friends list in my first year of SL in the 2000's because we ended up never contacting or talking to each other.  Even my FB friends list is under 30.  Speaking of even 27 friends in SL, whom I do talk to or see at our main events altogether, that's a lot of people to be real online friends with, meaning have the time for.  I do not have time to keep up with 27 social media or MMO friends in any meaningful way.  We have fun together as a group when we get together and I talk to my friends when I can in IM's, especially to let them know I'm coming to see them and say Hi for the holidays (which for me start around Halloween).  

    But, I'm not a shill.  I just never had a friends list problem nor have I seen it written of on these forums.  So, I'd never heard of friends list problem at all before.  I thought I'd say something as sometimes things can be figured out that way.  I have never had a large friends list but I don't know if that has anything to do with anything anyways.  I just wanted to make it clear I am being genuine.  I don't have any issues with friends list but I lead a particular SL which is more build-oriented than friends or social-oriented.  

    Please don't take anything I said personally against you, it was a generally made statement directed at a very specific group of posters. I was never stating that I felt even SOME of the posters in here were shills, and seriously, I welcome any critiques and debates on my previously made statements as they relate to my original post, I really have a thick skin, and don't offend easily, and never expect everyone to agree with my opinions, but that doesn't mean my opinions are not valid, they come from a passion I have for SL. It just seems like the same people on these forums always divert any negative comments away from any meaningful constructive solutions, and devolve it into well...this post is a perfect example...I've seen it 100 times before, OP is upset at LL's " "XYZ" issues, and the post devolves into discussions about pie...like actual friggin pies. I've enjoyed reading your insights and experiences on the relevant topics of this thread, but please don't take any negative comments I made as directed towards you.

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  16. 7 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    From the Cambridge dictionary:

    "someone who helps another person to persuade people to buy something, especially by pretending to be a satisfied customer"



    You are literally posting a definition of the word as I was describing it, so how do you see that I don't know what the word means? You are also diverting attention away from my original post, and making this about YOU, and word definitions, accusations of attacks, all of which have absolutely nothing to do with anything I originally posted about. Post whatever you like your shillness, I'm done, you've silenced all decenters and anyone with a half a brain to think for themselves...praise all mighty LL they are flawless and perfect...take all my money please! you win! I'm sorry for ever doubting them...everything works great! no problems with the friends list problems LL has already stated exist! I'm gonna go bash my head against a brick wall now, it will be more enlightening than continuing this engagement...I'm withdrawing my earlier proposal of marriage, you can keep the dog, make sure to give her treats, she likes them! Enjoy the rest of your day!

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  17. 10 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    FYI - calling someone a "shill" is indeed an attack.

    If someone defends something under any scrutiny for any reason for some benefit other than their own, then they are a shill. If someone acts like a shill and you call them a shill, its more an observation than an attack. You can call a soldier a killer, even if they killed in the line of duty, they still took a life, its not an attack, its just calling something what it is at face value. Don't act like a shill and get offended when someone calls you a shill or consider it an attack. I've had several posters from this post, act like shills on previous posts I've made, seen them acting like shills on COUNTLESS posts that critique SL or LL in any way. If I was not genuine in my intent and feelings and just making posts to crap on SL and LL, you could call me a troll...thats not an attack either, its a label and model of behavior noticed because its been seen over and over...you are being a shill right now by playing victim and diverting attention from my original intent for this post. Its being passive aggressive, but still taking the focus away from my critiques, and making it about you or whomever you feel I attacked. I don't see how you can post 24000 times, spend hours on here diverting decent, and not have some vested interest in LL in some way...therefore...a shill. This is your full time job? posting on here? do you work for LL? You seem to defend any action and try to squash or divert any decent related to LL no matter what...not many people have that type of devotion, time, or enthusiasm unless they fall into the category of "shill". If that's an attack, then sorry but not sorry...I did just apologize to you in my last post for hurting your feelings, and again, making this post all about you, and diverting attention from my original comments. I've already asked you more than once to move on, but you keep persisting...as a shill would.

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  18. 3 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    If your true complaint is, "SL costs too much now, creativity is stifled, and ZOMG!!1!! MY FRENZ LIST IS TEH BORKED!!1!!" then, I guess you certainly have every single right to your opinion.  That does not make your opinion reality.



    First off, I'm truly sorry if I did in fact hurt your feelings, that was not my intention...My apologies. I say what's on my mind, and keep things blunt plain and simple, I tend to not say much unless its adding to a solution, addressing a problem, or bringing attention to something important to me. So yes! you've nailed it, this is my gripe right here, and although my opinion does not make reality, it DOES make MY REALITY...SL is too expensive, basic functions don't work properly, less and less people are on the service, and they are milking the people who stick around for as much as they can to make money. Thats it right there...no need to psycho-analyze me. If things keep going in this direction, the service will die, and the sky IS falling. I'm trying to bring attention to issues so maybe things turn around for the better? SL still pretty much has a monopoly on what it does, and could be positioned for greatness, but that is not its current trajectory, and that's a problem. I LOVE SL, and if I'm feeling stupid for sticking around and feel like I'm being taken advantage of...then that's a problem, as I'm one of its biggest advocates. Being a blunt realist with a strong opinion is not always popular, and I accept that, but it also doesn't make me wrong. I've been feeling this way about SL for a pretty long time, maybe I DO need a break from it...maybe I'm afraid of that break becoming permanent, since its already bordering on that and I'm clawing at something that will never be the same as it was, but I'm a firm believer that technology should always be moving forward and innovating, and just feel like SL is stagnating, and even going backwards at the cost of profit. My comments on creativity in SL had nothing to do with creators and residents, it was exclusively pointed towards LL.  I feel I have nothing more to add here, and I'm calling it a day from posting, but will check back for any sincere concerns and contributions or ideas moving forward. Please believe that my heart is in the right place here, I'm not trying to troll or just stir the pot. I'm legitimately upset at seeing something I love decline so badly...its like watching a family member slip into heavy drug addiction or something. 15 years is a long time to be involved in something like this, and I just feel like I'm witnessing the last gasps of something with unlimited potential.

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  19. 1 minute ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    People disagree with you is not an attack.

    Other people posting more than you do is not an attack.

    People suggesting that you should try something you don't think will help, have already tried , don't know how to do, or don't want to do is not an attack.

    People on the forum are not attacking you. If you don't like their responses, ignore them.

    I was being accused of ATTACKING someone, and was defending what I said, I wasn't claiming to BEING attacked by anyone. I have no issues with anyone disagreeing with me, although its just an opinion, and not really sure what the counter to disagreeing with me is, that SL is perfect, working flawlessly and is very inexpensive, and provides great value? I'm not sure I've seen that argument here. I don't feel attacked in any way, I'm fine thanks! I encourage anyone that has something to contribute to do so as long as its relevant, and is actually contributing something. 

    • Haha 1
  20. 22 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Just pointing out the above for everyone else who is contributing to this thread.

    Thanks again!

    The ones actually contributing are also the ones who don't have 10's of thousands of posts...There is a big difference between "contributing" and "commenting"


    12 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Only responding because I have almost 17K posts.

    Thank you and carry on. 🙄

    and proving my point by having absolutely nothing to contribute...just like to hear yourself say something. Did you at least read the OP?

    • Haha 1
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  21. I'm not new here, I just post when I feel the need to, or I want to express my concerns. By no means what I said was an ATTACK on anyone, just a comment and observation...When I post here, its because I feel I have something important and relevant to say, some people talk so much, they don't take time to listen. Perhaps maybe that's why they don't understand? That's not an ATTACK. Being downed out by people with 10thousand posts and nothing to say is more an attack at trying to silence and divert from something they don't like to hear. If anyone is being attacked here, its me and my outspoken opinion, sorry if its not bright and sunny, and full of sparkles, but its my honest opinion....if people don't like it, move on, go outside, I'm not attacking anyone, stop trying to play victim,

    • Haha 1
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  22. 8 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    So, you're not a Creator?

    Creators still thrive in Second Life, they don't all have to do it for "the money", in case the quoted part is some reference to the fact it is more difficult for Creators to "make a living" in Second Life.

    Hard to dissect all your points, sorry. I was just looking for something that wasn't related to the "friends list" issue.

    "Cash Grab".. if Second Life is too expensive for you, you can always go with a Basic / Free account.

    I'm just confused by all your complaints, maybe you're unhappy for some unstated reason or combination of reasons? When someone posts a "rant", the reasons and actual meaning are usually very personal and the rest of us have trouble reading between the lines. 

    Perhaps you should listen/read more/comprehend instead of posting so much...you don't need to comment on every little thing. I think my original post was pretty straightforward, and had my thoughts ordered just fine, no need to read between the lines, the quote you referenced was really my ONLY complaint in the post. As users here, we are being asked to pay more and more, and getting less and less in return...We can't even get BASIC FUNCTIONS working properly. Not sure where your confusion stems from or why you feel like you should overanalyze what I'm saying...no need to read between the lines, just read and comprehend...if you can't or don't understand, then no need to even comment, just move on. I think what I'm saying is pretty plain and simple. I pay a lot for this service, and feel like the quality is going downhill so obviously, that it's making me question why I'm tolerating it. Being silent is being complacent and saying..."Oh everything is just fine! Good Job LL!", when its clearly NOT. I realize once a post reaches a certain number of comments, upvotes, and attention, all the LL shills come out and start diverting, changing topics, over-analyzing and trying to invalidate serious concerns and topics, you can all kindly move on, its the same faces, and names in every complaint doing the same things...shills just being shills...please don't respond if you have 10's of thousands of posts, your questions and comments really mean very little to me, and you all just like to hear yourselves talk, and upvote each others nonsense...just let me have my rant and move on thanks.

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