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candycane Amulet

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Posts posted by candycane Amulet

  1. when the land goes down  everyone with it goes down  and it takes about 1/2 hr or more for the land to come back up ,  if u TP there to see if its up  u will also crash in teleport,  the land owners  have tried it . its just  getting  very annoying at this point 

  2. how can someone  get help with people  who crash  sims and on a regular bases? i know u can report  them, and write as many tickets that you  want , i mean i have done that  but yet  nothing is ever done,  these people are disrupting  my Business  and making it very hard  to keep a business opened,  my land owners have also reported  the issue as well , and also  got the sim  moved to a different server  to see if  that would help, but sadly it didnt, these people  also have tools that  crash a sim remotely (Aka DDoSing just in case some didnt know  what it was called). i have written countless reports  but  yet  nothing i am just  getting very tired of this and getting  really tired of  getting no  help with the issue 

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