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Shalimar Poliatevska

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Posts posted by Shalimar Poliatevska

  1. The beautiful, multi-sim Chateau de Versailles recreation needs builders to help complete her glory. Builders will be WELL COMPENSATED! Must be proficient in mesh building, need to be able to show proof of skill, and need to be able to work well with other builders. Please contact Shalimar Poliatevska, Beatrice Minotaur, or Ludwikamaria Resident to apply! :))




  2. The beautiful, multi-sim Chateau de Versailles recreation needs builders to help complete her glory. Builders will be well compensated! Must be proficient in mesh building, need to be able to show proof of skill, and need to be able to work well with other builders. Please contact Shalimar Poliatevska or Ludwikamaria Resident to apply! :))

  3. Well, I'm still having the problem, and I get this message whether I try to access my main page online or in world. Plus, the same things happen to my alts too. They can't access my page or my friend's page, not can they access their own pages (but they can access the pages of other ppl). This is just bizarre. This happens to me whether I use the SL Viewer or the Firestorm one (and whether I use Firefox of Internet Explorer).

  4. I can log onto my online sl account, and I can click on the names of ppl I follow and see what is on their feed, even comment on what they write, but for some reason I can't go to my own feed homepage, nor can I make new posts. Oddly enough, though, if I see that a person commented or loved something that I posted, I can click on that link and see and even comment on one of my posts, but if I click on my name to get to my main page, I get a message saying "We're sorry, but something went wrong." I also get this same message when I click on the name of one of my friends (LisaMarie McWinnie), whose feed I post on often (but none of the other ppl on my list). What is up with this? If you post too often on one person's feed in a given time, does SL force you to take a break from this for a while? I can still log onto my account in sl with no problem, and have received no message that I'm being punished by sl for anything (nor can I think of a reason why I would be punished). This has been going on now for over two days. What is the problem?

    Can somebody over at LL fix this???

    Shalimar Poliatevska

  5. For some reason starting yesterday, when I post NEW things on my feed, and reload the page, I can't see them anymore (like I never made the post in the first place). If I comment on an old post, however, the comments stay. The same holds true for when I log on with an alt (or use a different browser!) and try to comment or post.  My friends, however, can sometimes see my new posts--and if they comment on them, I can finally see them, but ONLY if I get an email notification about their comment on my post and click the link (but if I try to see this link from my profile or theirs, I see NOTHING)! What the heck!!! Have I been blacklisted or something??? If so, what have I done? I haven't posted anything offensive or that violate the TOS. Is this yet another SL glitch (so many of them)??? Any help for this or are my days of using the profile feed finally over?

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