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Alrunia Ahn

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Posts posted by Alrunia Ahn

  1.   ~ * Drunken Elf Fest 2020 * ~
                                Santa's Black Sheep
    A Winter Holidays Market @ Dandelion Dreamland

    - with a touch of Medieval Fantasy at the beach!
    Some of our most beloved creators have prepared exclusive creations again just for the Drunken Elf Fest.
    Look around & peek in the stalls and under the Christmas (sand) Tree for the gifts!
    (more will be added until Christmas, so come back to check for what is new)



    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    (..), i can't imagin LL will force RP huds to be modified for that, because what OP said, here or in the other thread, the griefing was a standard particle attack from the landingpoint, nó RP huds but the widely available griefer and toy tools from MP.

    Of course nobody will react if this is a single case -  at this point none of us can tell if this happened to other businesses as well.

    The fighting in the sky at Truth though likely was done via Combat HUD, if I understood this correct, and this is not a single case that roleplayer  combat HUD user behave disrespectful

  3. 3 minutes ago, Matty Luminos said:

    That indicates to me that the dances provided in your venue are not good enough quality. Update your venue dance machines and guests won't need to use their own.

    Are you serious?  Judging the quality of a venue by their dance machines.... nah...

    I always use my own dances, anyway what is provided. Also people like to have fun, use their own AO and the one or other attached fun... we are talking about parties.

    • Like 3
  4. In long term, what might be a way to get heard and maybe find protection by the lab could be to make a suggestion via the issue tracker / bug tracker.
    You could for example ask for special requirements for scripted game systems, like...  The developers who are providing systems that can be abused for griefing purposes are responsible for the product they provide and how it is used. Namely, their responsibility to track their members activities and if the users of their system are reported to Linden Lab, its their responsibility to block the system for this account, temp or permanent. I do know that this is possible from prior experience with a Combat System where game masters got moderation rights. How ever, this doesn't help you in the current situation.

    If it was my club ... I would consider to explain the situation via a letter in a good visible poster to my visitors and in a notice in case there is a group, then set the land to group access only. Make the group a paid group (you can refund that, but it grants that the griefer wont join.)

    Its better than closing the business for a while until the hordes found a new prey ...

    • Like 1
  5. Land Theme: Medieval / Fantasy / Retro
    Land Usage:   Private Living
    Maturity Rating: MODERATE

    Dandelion Dreamland is where you can find a home and, if you want, entertainment.
    The sandy shores and flourishing nature of the inland invite to explore with friends or loved ones, for sailing around the isle and discovering hidden places.


    The community playground is right at the landing point where you may find new friends.
    To see which rentals are available at a glance, use the RENTAL MAPPER located by the dock next to the landing point.

    There are several rentals - each one is different from the other, each one gives you privacy and beautiful views.
    Cottage, Houseboat, Lighthouse, Cave, Beach house, whatever makes your heart feel comfortable.

    Dandelion Dreamland is presented by Dandelion Daydreams Factory -
    home to Fantavatar & Moonstruck [ Oblivion] , Lilith's Den and our various projects.

    Our points of commercials blend harmonic with points of entertainment and relaxation, inviting to stroll about, hang out with friends, do our changing adventure quests and have a good time.


    Summer 2019 Special:

    We have a Free Rent Raffle ! - Try your luck



  6. Sunday August 26
    5-6PM SLT – Lovecraft Readings with Misk Firethorn
    6-7PM SLT – David  Csiszer / Host Roxanne Keegan



    Songwriter/Singer/Multi-Instrumentalist David Csiszer delivers an unique array of original songs as well as classic cover tunes ranging from alternative & acoustic rock to blues & jazz. Follow the journey with David as he performs some favorites from various groups such as Coldplay, Led Zepplin, Red Hot Chili Peppers, STP, Stone Sour, Imagine Dragons, U2 , Daft Punk and many more...

    your taxi : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ravenheart/128/128/53

    Guerilla Burlesque @ LOVEFEST 2018.png

    Guerilla Burlesque

    has been setting the standard in Second Life dance entertainment since 2011. Produced at Idle Rogue, the troupe presents a weekly revue of famously high production values and attention to detail. We are delighted to be invited to Lovefest 2018 to share our work with fans of HP Lovecraft. We’re bringing fresh acts designed especially for the event, under the direction of Zahra Ethaniel, whose vision is to explore Lovecraftian concepts with wit, style, and great affection.

    from the landing go straight towards the North towards the Regent Theater. You cannot miss it!1028066960_LoveFest2018Mapnolist.png.e3e286ad813db6c4705647c690183d27.png
    • Like 1
  8. Lovefest 2018 is extended until Sept 2nd!
    More time to stroll, make photos, go shopping, enjoy movies at the Avalon theater and ...


    Today's Event Schedule:

    Saturday August 25
    2-4PM SLT – Seanchai Library Presents “Into the Unknown” - presented Live over Voice
    5-6PM SLT – Lovecraft Readings with Misk Firethorn
    6-7PM SLT – DJ Cherry
    7-8PM SLT –  Guerilla Burlesque
    8-11PM SLT – Closing Gala – The Lovecraft Masquerade!

  9. I am sharing with a long time good friend for the second time and since quite some time now again. We both have each our own stores and a shared shop each on separate parcels and recently we have made space (half of the sim) for 2 more. (one still available , so..if anyone is interested..IM ;) )

    Goes without saying that all I can say here is based on my very personal experience and opinion. 

    If you trust each other, know each other well, and /or at least communicate properly, sharing is perfect fine.
    Whether it is on a joined or separate parcels , same or separated buildings, ... is up to your needs and expectations.
    I personally like to have my own area with my own landing point and own keywords. But I would also agree in a shared parcel/building with that very friend if circumstances require that - as long as the person I share with shares the same/similar style and interests, business wise.
    Consider : more parcels more keywords - ( although second life search is probably fairly overrated, but I still like to think that keywords matter/but again that's just me)- on the other hand : shared parcels = shared traffic.

    For me a very important part is that we can rely on each other in cases of emergency. This goes for availability, reliability and honesty. And consistency.
    And yes, here I have been very lucky!
    I would not like to share with someone who is running a business far away from the theme(s) I cover, or with someone whose taste is completely unacceptable for my poor eyes or who leaves their business unattended over long periods of time. Generally if you share a business (and you do, if you share a parcel or a sim), you need to know who  you are dealing with - or be prepared for various unexpected possible things to deal with. I prefer not to have such surprises, thus I am very picky - others may be more laid back.

    So to sum it up, before moving in with your new very close neighbor, be very upfront about your expectations and personal limits, and communicate them frankly to spare the both of you uncomfortable surprises.

    • Like 1
  10. Program for Friday August 24 @ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ravenheart/128/128/53

    2-3PM SLT – ~DRUM~ Divine Rhythms of Universal Music
    3-4PM SLT – Nouvelle Folies
    4-5PM SLT – Musician Ian Songman Live
    5-6PM SLT – Musician Paris Cloyd Live
    6-7PM SLT – Musician Cellshader Live
    7-8PM SLT – Guided Roleplay Session with Beryl Strifeclaw
    8-10PM SLT – Vintage Horror Movies with Doctor Avalon


    The Nouvelle Folies - Special Lovecraft Show
    A brand new Variety show built of some old friends with a great common interest for SL dance brings you a show with that little bit extra.  For the LoveFest 2018 we offer a medley of gloom and madness with a twist and the occasional tentacle. All inspired by Lovecrafts epic tales, acts that we hope will entertain you!

    image.png.b90e11825eac50a705d8f0c97d7ddb0a.png ♫~D R U M~♫ -Live
    (Divine Rhythms of Universal Music) Bringing the world to you via the power of drumming. Our performances consists of 10 different drum cultures, Taiko (Japanese), Native American, African, Latin, Indian, Mallets, Stomp Wall, Rusty Barrel, African Ghost, Brazilian, and Steel Pan drums. 

    Paris CloydA Solo Guitarist who performs original live instrumental music he has written, recorded, mixed and mastered. He is from Los Angeles, California. ,


    CellShader – An industrial musician who performs live in SL. He blends influences primarily from electronic, metal, and classical music genres.  


  11. The Events Schedule @ LoveFest 2018 for today

    Thursday August 23
    2-4PM SLT – DJ JoAnn Hax / Host Skye Galileo
    5-6PM SLT – Lovecraft Readings with Misk Firethorn
    6-8PM SLT – DJ Gabrielle Riel / Host Keko Heckroth
    8-10PM SLT – DJ Erehwon Texeira / Host Annie Panties (JadeEast Resident)


    DJ-JoAnn Hax
    JoAnn Hax


    various short stories from the works of H.P. Lovecraft  presented live in SL Voice.


    Lovecraft Readings by Misk Firethorn


    Erehwon Texeira


    • Alrunia Ahn
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    LoveFest 2018

    - the 7th annual HP Lovecraft Festival of Second Life.
    LoveFest schedules 7-10 days around the birthday of the author HP Lovecraft - August 20.

    This year's Fest takes place August 17-26, 2018, celebrating Mr. Lovecraft's 128th birthday.



    The Festival location is  a whole sim packed to the brim with entertainment and adventure!
    Performers Listing at the Regent Theater: https://lovefest.wordpress.com/entertainment-2018/

    The full schedule of entertainment is here: https://lovefest.wordpress.com/events/full-schedule/


    Blog           https://lovefest.wordpress.com/
    Facebook    https://www.facebook.com/Lovecraft-Festival-of-Second-Life-989455331105652/
    Flickr         https://www.flickr.com/groups/3022137@N22/pool/

    Some Impressions by official bloggers and visitors:





    * For lover of the theme: you can also visit :http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innsmouth/154/169/47 - where the LoveFest Office is located at.

    Lovefest 2018.jpg

    • Like 1
  12. A cool game to play during the holidays!

    A Quest Adventure Game brought to you by Dandelion Daydreams Factory.

    There are rumors about a giant treasure of dwarven origin hidden under Dandelion Daydreams Factory. What ever your motivation is … be it greed, be it adventurousness, you want to claim this treasure! Of course you do not seriously believe that you will encounter actual dwarves – do you?

    And once again the makers of the Dandelion Daydreams Factory ask you:
    Are you brave enough?

    The successful adventurer will be rewarded by prizes generously donated
    Dandelion Daydreams Factory & Sponsors:

    Acme Pixel Works
    Fallen Gods Inc.
    ~*Sweet Revolutions*~
    !YAY!Mesh Creations

     With friendly support by :

    Linden Labs Destination Guide
    #WORPG- Roleplay in Second Life
    SL Hunts
    Teleport HUB
    Hunt SL

    Manual : https://alruniaahn.wordpress.com/2017/11/04/once-upon-a-mine-manual


    Once Upon A Mine - Christmas  Poster.jpg

    Once Upon A Mine - Hangman.png

    Once Upon A Mine - Not the Wizard.png

  13. **********************************************************************



     Greetings dear Medieval Fantasy Lover and skilled dedicated Designer of fine exclusives!
     Dandelion Daydreams Factory is home to Fantavatar & Moonstruck [ Oblivion] , Lilith's Den and our various projects. Our points of commercials blend harmonic with points of entertainment and relaxation, inviting to stroll about, hang out with friends, do our changing adventure quests and have a good time.
     The theme of the sim is mainly Natural, Medieval Fantasy leaning towards Steampunk but we are open for all things harmonizing with our style.

    Now we are planning a necessary change to the Landing area with focus on redesigning our Dandelion Daydreams Factory store and along that way we decided to share our beautiful place with interesting Designers.  
    If you feel addressed and are looking for a main or additional place to display your unique quality style feel free to come exploring and then convince us that YOU fit in. :)


    Please visit the link, fill out the application and unless you are sure that we ( Luna and Runa ) know your work well already, send a small representative sample of your work to either Luna or Runa.

    Thank you for your time and interest,  we look forward to meeting you and talking to you.
    Good luck. :)

    The Dandelion Daydreams Factory Team
    Luna Barak & Alrunia Ahn



  14. Lovefest is going on 2 more days.
    Below is a part of one story written during the Festival, submitted by Aerlinniel Vella Rougneck    :





    The Mysteries of Kingsport – Hail Cthulhu!!
    Posted by Aerlinniel Vella Rougneck    

    She had walked down to the water to check out the strange sound while awaiting a ship to take her from the cursed place. But as the sound grew louder, she became faint and collapsed. So easily forgotten, laying upon the sand, her mind was caught up in a dreamlike state while her body convulsed. Tentacles, that sound, and a darker side to the town now appearing to her ill begotten mind.
    (LoveFest 2017 is open Aug 17-27th. A world of wonder celebrating the 127th birthday of H.P. Lovecraft. Enjoy shopping at the merchants quarter of this New England Coastal town. Perhaps you would like to check out the gacha machines at the shack and test your luck. Or visit the local tourist features, but beware, not all is as it seems, or is it? What is reality and what isn’t here? Enjoy ten days of sim-wide events and entertainment, with great music and stage shows. For more information and schedule of daily events, check out their blog here: https://lovefest.wordpress.com/about/lovefest/)




    There was a small boy beckoning people to a strange circus, a bit macabre with large statues of strange creatures.
    She even saw tentacles reaching out to her in the dream, beckoning to her, and stepping closer, she succumbed to their embrace.



    How long she would lay there was anyone’s guess, what happened remained a mystery and would probably never be solved.


    And just what was happening in the town cemetery? Was all of this real or part of a very ill woman’s dream?


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